每日一招学英语:如何表达"为什么"& 你最不喜欢的工作是什么?


第1个回答  2022-10-30
1、 开口就说 Open your mouth ,如何表达“为什么”,How e?为什么
How e= why?= why do you ask that / it’s none of your business., 2、 学来就用 Let’s practice ,你最不喜欢的工作是什么?为什么?,enjoy the least 最不喜欢,Which job do you enjoy the least? 你最不喜欢什么工作?,(1)
Which job did you enjoy the least and why?你最不喜欢什么工作?为什么?,stock broker: 股票经纪人,A:I was not happy working as a stock broker. Because there was too much unnecessary pressure on me.
作为股票经纪人的工作 *** 得并不开心,因为有太多不西药的压力。,B:Didn’t you know it was stressful job when you took the position?当你接受那份职业时你不知道那是有压力的工作吗?,A:I knew it would be stressful, but I have no idea to what extent.
我知道会有压力,但不清楚会是怎样的程度。,(2),A:Of all your jobs, which one was your least favorite?
所以的工作中,你最不喜欢那一个?,B:I have been very fortunate that I have enjoyed all of my jobs.
我很幸运,我喜欢我所有的工作。,A:Surely, there was one you enjoy the least.
那当然了,总会有你最不喜欢的。,B:I guess, I liked to be the book keeper the least.
为什么?,B:After a while, it became very boring.
时间长了,就会很无聊。, 3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday ,谈兴趣,a. How long have been playing tennis? 你打网球多长时间了?,b. I used to play quite a bit myself.我过去经常自己打一会儿。,c. Are you free Thursday evening? 周四晚上你有空吗》,d. That sounds great. 听起来很棒。,e. I look forward to seeing you then.我期待那时见到你。,f. I’m still being familiar with the city.我对这个城市越来越熟悉。,g. How did you spend your weekend?你怎么过周末的?,h. Did you enjoy camping out? 你喜欢露营吗?,【情景对话】, A :Now that you settle in, what do you do with your free time?, B :I have been working on my tennis game., A :Really? How long have you playing?, B: I started playing tennis in high school., A :I used to play quite a bit e my old tennis parnter moved,I haven't played much., A: Are you free Thursday evening around six o'clock?That's the evening I usually play., B: That sounds great., A :Good.I look forward to seeing you then.
