full mom初中英语作文


第1个回答  2015-07-19
I’ve Learned much from My Mom,not only love:
1.The two worst things you can do to someone are lie and be mean.
2.There’s always room at the table for one more.
3.The world needs brightly colored people.
4.A good margarita makes everything better.
5.So does a good cry.
6.It’s OK to disagree with people you love.
7.Doing the best you can is enough.
8.Dusting anything above eye level is a waste of time.
9.Good table manners are important no matter how fancy your dishes are.Someday you might be invited to the White House and you’ll want to know how to act appropriately.
10.You could eat at the White House someday.
11.You are beautiful.
12.Global warming was caused by children everywhere leaving the door open and heating the whole outdoors.
13.Nothing good happens after midnight.
14.Pop Tarts are not food.
15.A person can,however,subsist solely on Diet Pepsi for several days if necessary.
16.It’s better to be careful than sorry.
17.Curly hair is beautiful.
18.So are freckles.
19.If someone doesn’t like you the first time they meet you,they’re probably just having a bad day.
20.Turning off the lights when you’re not in a room will save you money.
21.You can turn anything into a meal with a can of cream of mushroom soup.
22.Everyone deserves a second chance.
23.Except your children.There’s no limit on how many do-overs a parent gives their child.
24.Pots and pans make great instruments.
25.Dancing in your underwear in the kitchen is a perfectly acceptable way to celebrate any major holiday.
26.Music is magical.
27.Expensive jeans don’t make you a better person.
28.There are more important things than being popular.
29.There’s nothing wrong with being loud.
30.Home is not a house,it’s where your people are.
31.Everything will be OK.
32.Words can be powerful.
33.God loves you,no matter what.
34.God doesn’t care what name you use to describe Him or how you choose to talk to Her.
35.It’s never too late to try again.
36.Discrimination of any kind is bad.
37.Old people have the best stories.
38.Going outside will make you smell better and feel better.
39.If you listen,your body will tell you what it needs.
40.Smart girls can be cheerleaders.
41.Smart girls can also be funny,sexy,silly – or whatever the heck else they want.
42.Women need the support of other women.
43.Children need the love of lots of adults,not just their parents.
44.You don’t have to be an expert to help.Do what you can.
45.You were given your specific set of desires,wants,and passions for a reason.
46.It’s OK if your kids hate you for a little bit,but it’s painful as hell.
47.Everyone wants to be loved.
48.Everyone has a story.
49.Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is listen.
50.The way things are right now is not the way they’ll be forever.
51.How you treat someone is a reflection of who you are,not what they’re worth.
52.Good triumphs over evil.Eventually.