

第1个回答  2022-10-18
"Where is the father" tells the story of several stars and their children go to the outdoor village touri *** story. What impressed me most is the third period -- to Yunnan touri *** . The program group to the children and *** s a difficult task: the children go back to cooking food, *** s. The youngest KIMI did not dare to go, Jimmy Lin didn't get to her son, but acpany beside him, KIMI merged with other little friends, he quietly left, in order to let the son to learn independently, learn to rely through one&敞订搬寡植干邦吮32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333431363566鲍经#39;s own efforts. See here, I fell into a deep thought: this year only 4 year-old child, parents are not around, still with other kids together, to plete the task, independence. When the father praised, his tender little face, full of joy, more determined certain he can plete the task independent future determination. 译文: 《爸爸去哪儿》讲述了几位明星和他们的孩子一同去户外乡村旅游的故事。让我印象最深的就是第三期——到云南旅游。节目组交给孩子和大人们一个艰巨的任务:孩子们去要食材,回来交给大人做饭。年龄最小的 KIMI 不敢去,林志颖没有对儿子发火,而是陪在他旁边,等 KIMI 融入其他小朋友当中时,他才悄然离去,为的是让儿子学会独立、学会自力更生。 看到这里,我陷入了沉思:这个年仅4岁的小孩子,当家长不在身边时,仍能够与其他小朋友们团结协作、完成任务,学会了独立。当得到爸爸表扬时,他那稚嫩的小脸上充满了喜悦,更坚定了他今后一定能独立完成任务的决心。
