英语书面表达 一篇小作文 :假如你叫张勇,接到你的英国笔友凯特的一封信.她信中说最近变胖了很多,感到担心

英语书面表达 一篇小作文 :假如你叫张勇,接到你的英国笔友凯特的一封信.她信中说最近变胖了很多,感到担心.请你给她写一封回信,建议她减肥,并告诉她一些减肥的方法.1肥胖会导致多种疾病,要注意减肥。2应该慢慢吃饭,并且吃饭时不要看电视或书。3应该少吃糖和油炸食物,多吃蔬菜和水果。4要多参加体育活动,如果可能的话,可以试试步行上学。5只要坚持不懈,一定不仅能够减肥而且会更健康。不少于80字!

第1个回答  2013-09-15
Dear Kate:
Hi, Kate. I'm Zhang Yong. How are you?
care for this, too. It's not good for your health. Obesity will lead to
many diseases, you should pay attention to diet. I found some ways, and I
hope it will help you. You should eat slowly, and when you are eating,
don't watch TV or read book. You should take more vegetables and fruits,
eat less sweets and fried foods. And you should do some sports, if you
can, you can go to school on foot. As long as unremittingly, certainly
can not only lose weight but also will be more healthy.
Here you go. I look forward to your good news!


Zhang Yong

第2个回答  2013-09-14
Dear ...,
I know you get fatter these days.Don't worry about it.You should lose weight!Now let me tell you some
ways to do it.
First,being fat can cause a lot of illnesses.You should pay more attention to losing weight.
Second,you should eat food slowly.And don't watch TV or read books when you are eating.
Third,you should eat less candy and junk food.Eating more vegetables and fruits is good for your health.
Then,do more sports.And you can try walking to school.
If you don't give up hope,you will lose weight and be healthier.
Zhang Yong