

第1个回答  2013-06-25


1.Please ________
late for school.

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t be D. not be

2.I want a new
house ________ a small garden.

A. of B. with C. have D. in

3.My aunt has
a boy.

A. five-years-old B. five-year old

five-year-old D. five year old

4. ________ the
weather like inHangzhou?
It’s cloudy.

A. How’s B. What C. How D. What’s

5.There ________ some milk in the glass.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

6.----Let’s go for a walk. ---- ________ .

A. Thanks a lot B. You are welcome

B. That sounds good D. No, you can’t

7.What does your
brother do? ------ ________ .

A. He is Mr.
Green B. He is fromJapan

C. He often plays
the piano D. He is a bank clerk

8.Would you
like ________ soccer with us? Sure. I like soccer very much.

A. to play,
playing B. playing, play

C. to play,
play D. playing, playing

9.Steve ________ down and did the reading an hour ago.

A. sit B. sits C. sitting D. sat

----How’s it ________ ? ---Not bad.

A. go B. going C. goes D. went

10.----I am going
to  Beijing  for a

---- ________ .

A. Goodbye B. You are right C. It’s
good D. Have a good time

11.The girl
________ like her mother. She is short and heavy, but her mother is tall and

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t D. doesn’t

12.Can you give me
________ ?

A. two bowls of soup C. two bowl of soup

B. two bowl of soups D. two bowls of soups

13.----Would you
like something to eat? ---- ________ .

A. No, I wouldn’t. B. No, I don’t. C. No, thanks. D. No, I won’t.

14.She often ________
some reading on Sunday. She ________ a story book last Sunday.

C. do, read B. does, read C. do, readed D. did, readed

15.They’re having lots of fun ________ in the river.

A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swiming.

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Mr. Green 16 a
bank clerk. He is very 17 . Every day he has to 18 and talk with many people. So after work he’d like 19 quietly at home.

Every year he has
a long vacation. At the 20 of
the vacation he always takes a good rest (好好休息一下)and 21 a
good time with his family. Then he can go out to meet some of his old friends.
Last winter, he and his family went to Harbin(哈尔滨) to
see snow. 22 they don’t often
see it here in Kunming, they 23 a
week there and really were 24 to see the thick(厚厚的) snow
there. Their son says, “We hope we are having this activity every
year. “Then work hard and enjoy 25 life(生活)!”says Mr. Green.

( )16. A. is B. was C. does D. did

( )17. A. thin B. heavy C. busy D. free

( )18. A. look B. pay C. meet D. listen

( )19. A. to laugh B. sitting C. laughing D. to sit

( )20. A. begin B. beginning C. close D. closing

( )21. A. have B. take C. has D. takes

( )22. A. And B. But C. So D. Because

( )23.A.took B. spent C. waited D. paid

( )24.A.surprised B. interested C. surpring D. interest in

( )25.A.you B. your C. my D. me

Ⅲ. 阅读理解



Old Henry lived on
a clean street in Green City Every weekend, Alan and his friends played soccer
in the street. The children were too noisy (吵闹的)for
the old man to have a good rest.

One day, Old Henry
told the children that he would give them 10 dollars each weekend to watch them
play soccer in the street. He said , “I am so glad when seeing you play soccer
happily”. Alan and his friends were surprised to hear Old Henry’s words.

The first weekend
after that, the boys went to play soccer near the old man’s house, and went
always happily with 10 dollars. The second weekend they also got 10 dollars.
The third weekend, Old Henry said he spent his money on his grandson’s school
things. So he only gave the children 4 dollars. The next weekend, Old Henry
said he had a cold and he spent his money on medicine(药). He only gave them 1 dollar. After that, Alan and
his friends didn’t play soccer in that street any more.

( )26. Alan likes playing soccer.

( )27. Alan and his friends cleaned the street
every weekend.

( )28. Old Henry’s grandson is a student.

( )29. Old Henry gave 26 dollars in all (总共) to the children.

( )30. In fact, Old Henry didn’t want the
children to play soccer near his house.



My friend has a
police dog called Jack. Police dogs are often clever. Every Sunday afternoon my
friend takes Jack for a walk in the park. Jack likes walks very much.

It’s Sunday afternoon. A young man comes to visit my friend.
He stays for a long time. He talks and talks. Soon it is time for my friend to
take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still(仍旧)stays.
Jack is worried about(担心) his walk in the park. He walks around the
room and then sits down in front of the visitor and looks at him. But the
visitor goes on (继续)talking. At last Jack can’t stand it. He goes out of the room and comes back a
few minutes later. He sits down again in front of the visitor, but this time he
puts the visitor’s hat in his mouth (嘴)and shows it to the visitor.

( )31.Jack is _________. .

A. my friend B. the visitor C. a dog D. a policeman

( )32.My friend takes his dog to the park
________ . .

A. once(一次) a
day B. once a week C. every afternoon

D. once a month

( )33.The dog sits in front of the visitor
and wants ________ .

A. to listen to
him B. to look at him

C. to show he is
unhappy D. to be his friend

( )34.How many people are there in the

A. Five B. Two C. Four D. Three

( )35.Which of the following is not true?

A.I have a friend
called Jack.

B. Jack likes the
walks in the park very much.

C. The visitor
talks for a long time and still doesn’t stop talking.

D. At last the dog
gets the hat in its mouth.



Hello, everyone!
It’s nine o’clock.
Welcome to GMTV’s Music & Stories Show. I’m the host, Wang Chunxue. We all know that music plays
an important(重要的) part in everyone’s life. It can make people happy or sad. Babies
and young children would like others to sing to them. When they are a little
older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. After children go to
school, their world of music grows (扩大). In the
middle grades students take music lessons. When they go to high schools, they
are interested in pop music.

Well, in today’s program, we’ll listen
to the People’s Musician, Xian Xinghai’s songs . Do you know Xian Xinghai? He’s from Macao, China. He brought western and Chinese
music together. He’s famous (出名的)for the
song The yellow River. He wrote this song in 1939 in only six days. OK, let’s
listen to the wonderful song The Yellow River.




( ) 37. What does Wang Chunxue do?

A. A musician. B. A host. C. A writer. D. A teacher.


38. What’s the time now ?


39. What are the students interested in when
they go to high schools?


40. How long did Xian Xinghai spend in writing
the song The Yellow River?





B: Yes, please. I
want to buy a shirt.


B: I like red.

A: Sorry, we haven’t
got red ones at the moment. There are so many blue ones left.

B: Give me a blue
one, please. Let me have a look at it.


B: It looks really
nice. 44____________________________?

A: Ninety yuan.

B: Oh, dear. I
think it’s too expensive.

A: I don’t think
so. It’s made of silk. It’s cool. How about eighty yuan?

B: Ok! I’ll take
it. Here is the money.



