

第1个回答  2012-06-02
基本概念:与汉语相似,英语句子是由主语(subject), 谓语动词(verb),宾语(object), 表语(predicative),状语(adverbial),宾语补足语(object complement)等成分组成,按照这些成分的组合方式英语句子可分为五种基本句型。
不及物动词本身就可以表达完整的意念, 不需要宾语及补语, 但有时可有副词, 介词短语等状语修饰语。
e.g. The rain stopped .
The old man walks in the park .
e.g. The machine works smoothly. (机器运转正常。)
2.There +不及物动词+主语
e.g. There is some milk in the bottle .
There comes the bus .
3. 主语+不及物动词+ 动词不定式
e.g. They stopped to take a short rest . (他们停下来稍作休息)
动词stop 可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作不及物动词时, 通常后接动词不定式,表示停下来的目的是做另一件事。作及物动词时,通常后接动名词,表示停止做这件事。
e.g. They stopped taking a rest .

句型二 :主语+系动词+表语
e.g. My sister is a nurse .
I feel quite hungry .
The ball is under the desk .
e.g. We are learning English .
Do you know him ?
Your radio needs repairing .
She hopes to see her uncle.
e.g. Her mother bought her a skirt.
Give me the book, please.
A. 在此句型中, 通常是间接宾语(人)在前,直接宾语(物)在后,有时直接宾语和间接宾语可以对调,这时间接宾语前应加上适当的介词。
e.g. Her mother bought a skirt for her .
Give the book to me , please .
give(给), tell(告诉) , lend(借给) , sell(卖), teach(教) , send(寄给), write(写给), show(出示) , return(还给), bring(带给), pass(递给), leave(留给), offer(提供), hand(交给)
buy(买), choose(选择), get (弄到), make(做), order(订购), sing (唱歌), do (做), play(演奏)
B. 如果直接宾语为人称代词那么必须把直接宾放在间接宾语前,且间接宾语前要加上适当的介词。
e.g. I handed it to our teacher .
不能说:I handed our teacher it .
C. 此句型变为被动语态时,可分为两种情况。
e.g. Her mother bought her a skirt .
a. She was bought a skirt by her mother .
b. A skirt was bought for her by her mother.
及物动词本身需要一个宾语外, 还需要一个名词,形容词,副词, 动词不定式,分词来补充说明宾语,才能表达一个完整的意念。
e.g. We elected Li Yang our monitor.
The news made us sad.
She saw the thief steal into the shop .
The teacher asked me to answer the question .
I found the man stealing the money .
I found my money stolen .
A. 现在分词为宾语补足语时,宾语与现在分词之间是主动关系;过去分词为宾语补足语时,宾语与过去分词之间是被动关系。
B. 在let(让),make(使得),have(请,让,使得),see(看),hear(听到),watch(观看),feel(感觉到),listen to (倾听),look at (看到),notice(注意到)等动词后的宾语补足语如果为不定式, 则省掉”to”,但变为被动语态时, 则要带”to”.
e.g. We hear her sing next door.
She is heard to sing next door .
C. 此句型变为被动语态时,只有一种情况。
e.g. They saw him steal the old man’s money.
He was seen to steal the old man’s money .





如:The prices are stable and the market is flourishing.

To study English is not easy.

Study English not easy. (×)


★ 变为非谓语形式

★ 连词连接 ﹛并列连词(并列谓语;并列句)

★ 从属连词→引出从句

★ 用名词或介词来表示





I opened the door and came in. (Opening the door, I came in.)


如:“他请我到他家来做客。”“我”是“请”的宾语,又是“到他家来做客”的主语。也就是说“我” 身兼两职。英语句式表达汉语兼语式有以下几种方式:

1) 将兼语式的第二个动词转化为英语的宾语补足语,常用不定式,有时用不带to的不定式,或分词,副词,形容词,名词,介词结构等。对于第一个动词,汉语中常用的动词有“使”、“叫”、“请求”、“让”、“迫使”、“导致”、“要求”、“命令”、“促进”、“鼓励”等,在英语中均有对应的动词(make, ask, beg, have, force, cause, demand, order, help, encourage等)。如:

He invited me to dinner in his house.


⑴ 主语+系动词+表语 She seems kind.

a. The soup is delicious. (形容词作表语)

b. Helen became an electrical engineer. (名词作表语)

c. He is in good health. (介词短语作表语)

d. The story is interesting. (现在分词作表语)

e. His wish is to become a doctor. (动词不定式作表语)

⑵ 主语+不及物动词 He changed a lot.

a. The moon shines brightly. (一般现在时)

b. The car won’t go. (一般将来时)

c. The child behaved badly at the party. (主语+不及物动词+程度状语+地点状语)

d. Production declined 6% last month. (一般过去式)

e. They will fly to London. (主语+不及物动词+地点状语)

⑶ 主语+及物动词+宾语 We love our country.

a. We visited our friends. (名词作宾语)

b. I am considering going abroad. (动名词作宾语)

c. He can not afford to take a taxi. (动词不定式作宾语)
d. He caught her by the arm. (动词+宾语+介词短语作方式状语)

⑷ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)

或 主语+及物动词+直接宾语(物)+to +间接宾语(人)


He gave me a present. (He gave a present to me.)

a. He often tells the children interesting stories.

b. He assigned Jack the toughest job.

c. I paid the repairman 50 dollars.

d. He sent some flowers to his girlfriend.

e. My mother made a new dress for my sister.

f. I'll tell you what I've been thinking. (宾语从句)

g. I assure you that this medicine will help you. (宾语从句)

h. You've got to promise me that you won't do that again.(主及宾结构+不定连接+主及宾宾)

⑸ [/url]主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 I found the book interesting.[S2]

a. His writing has made him a well-known public figure. (名词作宾补)

b. They found the book easy. (形容词作宾补)

c. I can see two ships in the harbor. (介词短语作宾补)

d. He kept me waiting too long. (现在分词作宾补)

e. I have my hair cut every month. (过去分词作宾补)

f. They wanted him to study abroad. (动词不定式作宾补)

g. Will you tell me how to do it?

h. We advised her which course to take.


五种基本句型歌 英语句子万万千,
五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,
后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;
vi独身无牵连; vt又可分三类,
单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;


1. Jim finds his job a challenge.[宾补为n.]

2. I found the movie interesting.[宾补为adj.]

3. Why did you leave the light on?[宾补为adv.]

4. We found her in tears.[宾补为介词短语]

5. They encouraged her to try again.[宾补为不定式]

6. My mother told me not to worry.[宾补为不定式]

7. We heard someone knocking on the door.[宾补为V-ing]

8. Do you smell something burning?[宾补为V-ing]

9. I had my computer fixed last week.[宾补为V-ed]

10. You should make yourself understood.[宾补为V-ed]本回答被网友采纳