成功指南2 - 英语教育概论作业 有人能帮我写一下么,或者谁以前写过分享分享,谢谢啦,马上交作业了急死了

Assignment for Guide to Success for English Education

Write a 500-word essay on what you have learned from the book. You should include the following two points in your essay:
• How do you define the term “ professionalism ”? Use some examples in the book to illustrate your point of view.
• What should you do now to prepare yourself for being a “ professional English teacher ” in the future? You can present your opinions from the following three aspects:
• How will the courses that you are going to take this year contribute to your future career success?
• What are the behaviors that you regard as unprofessional?
• What are the qualities that a professional English teacher should have?

第1个回答  2012-06-10
第2个回答  2016-11-09
这个作业我现在就在写…… 你的写出来了吗?
第3个回答  2012-06-08