

第1个回答  2012-06-11
Thank you - What’re friends for. - 谢谢 - 这就是朋友 ——《 国王的演讲》 The legend is, if you're a liar and you put your hand in there, 传说若你说谎,把手放进去的话 it'll be bitten off. 它会咬断你的手——《罗马假日》 From land, you can hear its voice 在岸上 你是可以听到大海的声音的,You don't hear that from a ship 那是一种无法从船上听到的声音——《海上钢琴师》
第2个回答  2012-06-11
电影我看得也还多,不过没仔细研究过台词。美剧我看得最多,最爱去研究评测里面的台词。来自gossip girl
1. I love you , always have, always will. 我爱你,以前是,以后也是。(就是说我永远不会变心)
2. you can talk me into anything. 现在叫我做什么我都愿意
3.as they say, in fashion, one minute you are in, the next you are out. 花无百日红
4.we are family, what you did do is what we did do. 我们是亲人,你做的就是我们做的。
5. we don't judge. we are the non-judging breakfast club. 我们不会评价你的为人。本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-06-11