
Karttunen & Peters call the meaning expressions that capture presuppositions implicature expressions or conventional implicatures, and the terminology overtly identifies presuppositions with those pragmatic inferences that Grice (1975) isolated as being conventional, non-cancellable and yet not part of the truth conditions. For on Karttunen & Peters’ theory, presuppositions (or, as they would have it, conventional implicatures) are in fact non-cancellable. But Karttunen is well aware of the defeasibility and projection properties of presuppositions — indeed he was the first to explore them in detail. How then can it be claimed that presuppositions are non-cancellable ?
The answer lies in the details of Karttunen & Peters’ system. The idea is that in addition to implicature expressions capturing the presuppositional content of each presupposition-triggering item, there will be associated with each constituent a heritage expression whose sole function will be to govern the projection of the pre-suppositions expressed in the implicature expressions. In this way, Karttunen’s (1973) classification of embedding constructions into plugs, filters and holes can be incorporated into the Montague grammar framework: for example, where an embedding complement is a plug it will have a heritage expression that will block the
presuppositions (expressed by the implicature expressions) from ascending to be presuppositions of the whole sentence.

第1个回答  2007-12-01
当然而,是常规而可cancellable的,Karttunen和Peters称为捕捉预想implicature的表达或者常规的implicatures的意义表达,同时术语公然识别带有松鸡(1975)孤立的那些重实效的推理的预想真理条件的一部分。 对于开,预想(或者当他们将有它,常规的implicatures)Karttunen和Peters的理论是事实上可cancellable的。 但是Karttunen是健康了解到的defeasibility,同时预想 的规划财产他确实详尽地第一探讨他们。 有人主张预想多么能是可cancellable的?
回答在Karttunen和Peters的系统的细节中躺。 想法是除捕捉的implicature的表达之外presuppositional的内容每一预想触发项目,将有与每一成分有关其唯一的功能将控制规划在implicature的表达中表达的前假设的遗产表达。 按这种方法,(1973)将构造嵌入到插销中的Karttunen分类,过滤器和洞能被结合成为Montague文法框架: 例如,在其中一种嵌入的补充是插销它将有将阻塞的遗产表达