

第1个回答  2007-12-01
Formerly, some very rich person, he was a king, the name is calledbeautiful Dai Si. He has a youngest daughter, besides me, who hasn'theard her. Perhaps her name I simply did not know that, perhapscompletely forgot. Because I like giving the young girl to take thestrange name, therefore I call her golden Mary.
This beautiful Dai Si King extremely likes the gold, likes the goldexceeding loves in the world any thing. He treasures his royal crownmainly because it is does with the precious gold. If has any otherthing to let him like, or said the affection the degree is equal tohim likes the gold the degree one half, that was this plays thejubilant little girl around his chair. But beautiful Dai Si Yue loveshim the daughter, he pursues the wealth the desire to be moreintense. This fool thought he can the best matter which does for thetreasure daughter, since has been epoch-making biggest pile of goldengleaming gold remains for her. Therefore, his all thoughts and alltime all put in this only goal. If he saw by chance the golden colorthe sunset glow, he hoped these clouds are the genuine gold, and hecan forces in these gold and the cloud security in his reliable box.When young Jin in the Mary hand is hugging bunch of garden balsams andthe dandelion runs greets him the time, he frequently said that, "Hi,hi, child! If these flowers like their semblance such, all is the goldspeech, that only then is worth taking off them to come!"
However, in him previously was not that crazily pursues the wealthtime, beautiful Dai Si King extremely likes the fresh flower. He had agarden, in the garden plants the common people once to look has beento or 闻到 is most greatly most beautiful and the most attractiverose. These roses plant as before in the garden, likes beautiful DaiSi King to pass watches them all day, smells their fragrance that timesame big, same lovable, and same fragrance. But present, if he waitsand sees their, that is only in the computation if in this innumerableroses flower petal's each petal all is the thin golden piece, thisgarden value how much money. Moreover although he has liked the music(also no matter likes donkey's ear this kind of fable about his ear),but the present pitiful beautiful Dai Si's only music was only thetinkle sound which the gold coin mutually raps. Finally (on likepeople if does not pay attention oneself changes increasinglyintelligently, then they certainly can change more and more stupidlyare same), beautiful Dai Si changes the extreme not near reason; Heregarding is not the gold thing, nearly the company looks, traces allcannots bear. Therefore, he has fostered the custom, every day must ina swarthy cloudy room, in underground, spends the majority of time inhis royal palace cave. His wealth on preservation in here. Wheneverbeautiful Dai Si must seek special is joyful, he arrives in thiscloudy cavern, Actually it compared 地牢 very how many. He in here carefully lockeda door, then puts out bag of gold coins, either likes the washbasinsize the gold cup, either a heavy gold bar, either many Jinsha,attains them from the room gloomy quoin under the long sunlight, thissunlight is from the window place which 地牢 resembles shoots. Hetreasures the sunlight not other reason, only is because does not havethe sunlight the help, his valuables and money cannot the flash.Thereupon he calculates in the bag the gold coin; To upcasts the goldbar, when it falls meets it; Fishes Jinsha coasts from the fingerseam; Looks is scratching he laughable facial expression which thebright gold cup all around shines upon; And thinks aloud in a lowvoice: "Oh, beautiful Dai Si, rich beautiful Dai Si King, you are thehow happy person!" But according to his facial expression which comesout continuously in to him hits from the gold cup smooth surface haha, saw this appearance is really laughable. This facial expressionperceives as if to his stupid action, and must mischievously teasehim.
American Dai Si calls self as the happy person, but he thought has notobtained happiness which should have. His happy apex is forever cannotachieve, only if the entire world becomes his treasure house, and theworld all packed should completely all belong to his gold.
Now, I cannot use the reminder to like you such intelligent youngcommon people, at very early very early ancient time, when beautifulDai Si King is living time, at that time occurs many matters, ifoccurs in today on our land, certainly can consider inconceivable. Onthe other hand, nowadays occurs many matters, not only we thinkinconceivable, the ancient time people also certainly can bedumfounded to these matters. In brief, I believed that, our time wasstranger than the ancient times, but, no matter how, I did have to saymine story.
One day, beautiful Dai Si likes in the usual same his treasure houseto make music, this time he sees a shadow to fall above pile of gold.He catches the eye looks, suddenly he saw unexpectedly is a stranger'simage, this stranger stands in bright and the long sunlight! He isyoung people, the facial expression ruddy, is happy. Actually is thisbecause the beautiful Dai Si's King fantasy causes all things all tohoodwink on a yellow, or as a result of other any reason, he alwaysthought this stranger looks he smiles in the smiling face includes onekind of golden color the ray. Certainly, although stranger's form hasinterdicted the sunlight, but the present had together compared to abefore brighter light according to in on the valuables and money whichall stacked, also received this light including the farthest quoinshining. But when this stranger smiles time, looks like sprays thelarge flame and to set out the spark to be same, all are illuminated.
American Dai Si knew he once carefully locked with the key goalkeeper,moreover average person's strength possibly burst in no way, to in histreasure house, therefore, he concluded the coming person certainlywas not 世间 mortal. Actually is he who, this is with tells you. Atthat time, the Earth or a new thing, was considered is has thesupernatural strength the god frequently to be able to arrive, butthese gods frequently the ajar joke half 当真 cared about male andfemale and child's misery and is happy. American Dai Si in this beforehas met such god, thus again meets a god naturally not to be able tothink has any not to be quick. This stranger's look if is not themercy is a bosom, also truly is extremely friendly, extremely good; Ifsuspected he harbors any evil intention, that completely is does nothave the basis. Very possible, his arrival is must help beautiful DaiSi busy. Then, besides increases the beautiful Dai Si's countlessburied treasure, what busy good gang but also has?
Around this stranger has sized up this room, he that brilliant facialfeatures treat all piles to appear the appearance in there goldvaluables and money to glow. He has turned away to beautiful Dai Si.
"You are a rich person, beautiful Dai Si friend!" He said. "I did notbelieve in the world has any other room Tibet to have the picture youin this room is piling that many gold."

"I accumulate did not calculate few - does not calculate few,"beautiful Dai Si replied with not the satisfactory intonation, "but,after all, when you considered I have spend strength of the lifetimeonly then the speech which agglomerates this gold, this was not worthyof mentioning. If a person could live in 1000, perhaps that could haveone day which got rich becomes rich!"

"Any!" This stranger startled called out, "that you do not satisfy?"

American Dai Si nods
"Asked how can cause you to satisfy?" This stranger asks, "I very wantto know for the curious reason."
American Dai Si hesitation a while, has been pondering. He had apremonition this surface belt happy smiling face, the whole body sendout the shining golden light comes the stranger to here, certainly hassatisfies his biggest desire strength and the goal. Therefore, now wasthe lucky time arrived, every was the request which he wanted toobtain, to raise obtains, he so long as opens the thing which themouth could obtain all possibly to obtain, as if is even impossible toobtain. Therefore he had thought thought, had thought thought, in hisimagination, a Jinshan folds in a Jinshan, he imagines leaves Jinshanthe growth to have any limit. Finally, beautiful Dai Si King has foundout great idea. This idea truly likes the metal which he so deeplyloves shines to be equally happy.

He gains ground, the front surface is looking the whole bodybrilliance stranger's face
"Beautiful Dai Si," the guest did not say that, "I saw you finally tofind out have been able to cause your satisfied matter. Tells me yoursdesire."

"This is only this," beautiful Dai Si replies, "I must spend the suchbig vigor regarding the collection wealth to feel has been weary of, Igreatest endeavor, but saw this gold piles is that small. I hoped Itrace all things all turn the gold!"

The stranger smiled has publicized the mouth, open that in a big way,looked like sets out a turn of red glowing sun, stuffed in Yu Manfangunder, was shining the gloomy ravine, autumn yellow leaf - this goldbar and the golden piece extraordinary image yellow leaf - shines inthe sunlight golden splendor scatters falls in this ravine.

"点金术!" He yells to say that, "you really are worth praising,beautiful Dai Si friend such wonderful idea. But you affirmed thiscertainly can cause you to satisfy?"

"That certainly," beautiful Dai Si said.

"After you had 点金术 can regret in no way?"

"How can regret?" American Dai Si asks, "in order to obtain thebiggest happiness, other my anything may not want."

"That like you hope, ' ' the stranger replied, at the same time wieldsbegins to express the farewell," when tomorrow sunrise, you discoveredyou have entrusted with 点金术."
Thereupon, stranger's form changed extremely brightly, beautiful DaiSi cannot help but has closed the eye. When again opens the eye, heonly saw in the room the golden color sunlight, all around is togetherhe spend the noble metal in him which the lifetime free time stores upin to be sparkling.

Whether that late beautiful Dai Si does rest, the story had not said.But, is awaking, is resting, his mood likes a child's mood: Will likesecond days morning he to obtain an incomparably beautiful new toy toresemble. In any event, the summit just as soon as revealed thedaybreak the dawn, beautiful Dai Si King completely has alreadyawaked, his on stretched out the double arm outside the bed, tracedthe thing which sufficed to obtain. He eagerly must prove the strangerconsented whether 点金术 really already did realize. Therefore heputs the finger nearby the bed on the chair, puts on other each kindof goods, but causes is these things which he very sad is verydisappointed completely is the original old style. Truly, he extremelyworries is that whole body glory stranger only is in the dream thecharacter, or this stranger only is cracks a joke with him. If nomatter he