

第1个回答  2022-10-27


历史上被欧洲殖民者劫运到美国的非洲黑人奴隶的后裔。又称非洲裔美国人。属尼格罗人种。其中2/3为黑白混血种人。通用英语。主要信基督教新教和天主教;部分人信犹太教和 *** 教等。美国黑人在历史上起过重要作用,他们积极参加美国独立战争和反法西斯战争,屡立战功。对发展美国的经济文化也作出了很大贡献,他们一直是美国农业的主要力量;在钢铁工业中黑人工人约占1/3,在汽车工业中约占半数;在音乐、文艺、体育方面;,黑人的成就更为显著。

美国黑人的历史可追溯到16世纪美洲沦为欧洲殖民地的时期。16~19世纪,欧洲殖民者从非洲 (主要是西非、刚果和安哥拉 )劫运大批黑人奴隶到美洲 ,其中半数以上运入今美国境内,主要在南部诸州的棉花、甘蔗种植场和矿山当苦工,深受白人种族主义者的残酷剥削和虐待。随着美国工业的发展,南方的黑人陆续迁往北方和西北方城市。1861~1865年南北战争后,虽然从法律上废除了奴隶制度,但是黑人仍受种族歧视和压迫,美国黑人在政治、经济、教育、就业、居住等方面很难享受到与白人相同的待遇。他们处在美国社会的底层,时刻受到失业、贫病和死亡的威胁,因此,他们曾进行长期的反抗斗争,仅1968年的一次黑人抗暴斗争就席卷包括华盛顿在内的168个城市。


起因是:罗萨.派克斯在蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座事件Rosa Parks(Born 1913) (见于美国传统词典)American civil rights leader. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, resulted in a city-wide *** of the bus pany and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.罗萨.派克斯:(生于1913) 美国民权领导人,她因在美国阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝让座给一个白人,而引起了全市范围汽车公司的联合 *** ,激起了全国的民权运动.On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks (the "mother of the Civil Rights Movement") refused to get up out of her seat on a public bus to make room for white passengers. Rosa was arrested, tried, and convicted for disorderly conduct and violating a local ordinance. After word of this incident reached the black munity, 50 African-American leaders gathered and anized the Montgomery Bus Boycott to protest the segregation of blacks and whites on public buses. The *** lasted for 382 days (1956 was a leap year), until the local ordinance segregating African-Americans and whites on public buses was lifted.领导人是:马丁.路德.金Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.The most important step forward was in Montgomery, Alabama, where longtime NAACP activists Rosa Parks and Edgar Nixon prevailed on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956. Activists and church leaders in other munities, such as Baton Rouge, Louisiana, had used the *** in recent years, although those efforts often withered away after a few days. In Montgomery, on the other hand, the Montgomery Improvement Association created to lead the *** managed to keep the *** going for over a year until a federal court order required Montgomery to desegregate its buses. The success in Montgomery made King a nationally known figure and triggered other bus *** s, such as the highly successful Tallahassee, Florida *** of 1956-1957.。
