
Scientists jumped to the rescure with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect the insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them the evidence had to be cambric in order to be valid。 jumped to 是什么词性?什么意思啊?to the effec不定式作定语修饰 evidence?什么意思?

原句应该是:Ornithologists/Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. The evidence had to be economic in order to be valid. (鸟类学家忙跳出来解围,提出了一些明显站不住脚的证据,大意是说如果鸟未能控制昆虫那昆虫会吃光我们的。.......)
jumped to the rescue跳出来解围,类似短语come to sb's rescue 救援某人
to the effect是介词短语意思是“大意是......”,在这里作定语修饰evidence,意思是“大意是......的证据”;to the effect后常加that引导的同位语从句。如:
He made some comments to the effect that my essay was a little light on analysis.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26


Scientists jumped to the (rescuer) with some distinctly shakyevidence to the effect the insects would eat us up; if birds failed to control them the evidence had to be cambric in order to be valid. 【括号中的词原来可能笔误把,后面的 if 从句前可能是少打了标点符号】


  主干句:Scientists jumped to the rescuer with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect 带着具有该要点的一些明显不可靠的证据,一些科学家迅速到了救援者那里



  【目的状语】to the rescuer

  【方式状语】with some distinctly shakyevidence to the effect (effect 是名词,此处的意思是“主旨,要点”,因此to the effect是修饰 evidence的介词短语,不是不定式。evidence to the effect 表示“达到这种要旨的证据”)

  evidence 的同位语从句:the insects would eat us up (这种证据就是)这些昆虫会把我们吃光

  条件状语从句:if birds failed to controlthem the evidence had to be cambric in order to be valid. 如果鸟不能控制他们,这种证据只能成为为了令人信服的一捅就破麻纱(不堪一击)。


    jump to 动词,意思是“跳转到”、“马上开始”

    effect 是名词,此处的意思是“主旨/要点”,因此 to the effect 是修饰 evidence 的介词短语,不是不定式。evidence to the effect 表示“达到这种要旨的证据”。


第2个回答  2013-12-10
jumped to 是动词不定式,这里理解为“急于....”,to the effect中to是对于的意思, distinctly shaky evidence to the effect 是“对于这些影响的明显站不住脚的证据
第3个回答  2013-12-10
jumped to看起来像是定语。Scientists jumped to the rescure指的是“蜂拥而至救助地点的科学家”

to the effect的to表示evidence的程度,理解为“(该证据)达到了如此的影响...”
第4个回答  2013-12-10
