

第1个回答  2024-05-11
Protecting Forests
In some areas of our country, many individuals are cutting down trees due to their need for wood and additional farmland. Consequently, forested areas are diminishing. Scientists predict that there will be no extensive forests in 20 or 30 years. This is a daunting prospect. With the disappearance of forests, dust storms may become frequent, leading to hot and dry weather. Eventually, the Earth could become a vast desert. Countless plants and animals could perish, crops may fail to grow, and life would become challenging for everyone. Humanity would face consequences for its deforestation activities.
Therefore, we must recognize the significance of safeguarding our forests. We should strive to protect our living environment, ensuring that our mountains remain green, water clean, and the sky clear.
The forest is an invaluable asset to humanity, providing not only wood and forest products but also crucial services such as soil and water conservation, habitat for wildlife, and wind and sand barriers. Protecting forest resources is the duty of every citizen.
Now, for personal gain, many people are felling trees and forests are at risk of extinction. "You see, the mountains are becoming bare, and most of the forests have been cleared for slash-and-burn agriculture. Such destruction is hateful! I appeal to everyone:
Let us join hands in protecting our forests. We need to restore their original greenery and beauty.
Since the advent of science, humans have gradually led better lives. But where have all the green trees gone? Have you given it thought?
Human over-exploitation of trees has led to increasing dust storms and deteriorating air quality, all due to our actions. We cannot stand by as our planet turns barren. We must take action to return the Earth to its original state.
Certainly, litter picking is one way to protect the environment. Whenever you see garbage, you can bend down and pick it up, adding vitality to our planet.
We must prevent indiscriminate felling of trees and opt for environmentally friendly alternatives, such as using handkerchiefs instead of disposable tissues. It's said that to meet the country's population needs, we could lose half of the Daxinanling forest. If this trend continues, our country could become uninhabitable. We must strive to avoid such a scenario.