药学英语翻译(急需):For each series, calcul ate the regression of t he absorbance against log conc


第1个回答  2012-04-18
麻烦你提问前先检查保证一下单词的准确度好哇?譬如说空格的位置,calcul ate 是一个词还是两个呢? 同理: log on 是一个词还是两个呢?追问

不好意思,可能是之前电脑卡了,完整如下:For each series, calculate the regression of the absorbance against log
concentrations of the Sample solutions and of the Standard solutions, and calculate
the potency of the enoxaparin sodium in the Injection in IU of Anti-Factor Xa
activity/mL using statistical methods for parallel-line assays.
