哪位高手能帮我解释下下面matlab的代码 ,谢谢啊 ,谢谢

img = double(imread('Lena.jpg'));
n = size(img,1);
sigma = 20;
is_real = 1;

noisy_img = img + sigma*randn(n);

disp('Compute all thresholds');
F = ones(n);
X = fftshift(ifft2(F)) * sqrt(prod(size(F)));
tic, C = fdct_wrapping(X,1,2); toc;

% Compute norm of curvelets (exact)
E = cell(size(C));
for s=1:length(C)
E{s} = cell(size(C{s}));
for w=1:length(C{s})
A = C{s}{w};
E{s}{w} = sqrt(sum(sum(A.*conj(A))) / prod(size(A)));

% Take curvelet transform
disp(' ');
disp('Take curvelet transform: fdct_wrapping');
tic; C = fdct_wrapping(noisy_img,1,2); toc;

% Apply thresholding
Ct = C;
for s = 2:length(C)
thresh = 3*sigma + sigma*(s == length(C));
for w = 1:length(C{s})
Ct{s}{w} = C{s}{w}.* (abs(C{s}{w}) > thresh*E{s}{w});

% Take inverse curvelet transform
disp(' ');
disp('Take inverse transform of thresholded data: ifdct_wrapping');
tic; restored_img = real(ifdct_wrapping(Ct,1)); toc;

subplot(1,3,1); imagesc(img); colormap gray; axis('image');
subplot(1,3,2); imagesc(noisy_img); colormap gray; axis('image');
subplot(1,3,3); imagesc(restored_img); colormap gray; axis('image');

disp(' ');
disp('This method is of course a little naive.');
R=input('Do you want to see the outcome of a more sophisticated experiment? [Y/N] ','s');
disp(' ');

if strcmp(R,'') + strcmp(R,'y') + strcmp(R,'Y'),
combined = double(imread('LenaCombined.jpg'));
figure; imagesc(combined); colormap gray; axis('image');

disp('This image (courtesy of Jean-Luc Starck) is the result of a more sophisticated');
disp('strategy which involves both curvelets and wavelets. For a reference, please see');
disp('J.L. Starck, D.L. Donoho and E. Candes, Very High Quality Image Restoration,')
disp('in SPIE conference on Signal and Image Processing: Wavelet Applications');
disp('in Signal and Image Processing IX, A. Laine, M. A. Unser and A. Aldroubi Eds,');
disp('Vol 4478, 2001.');
disp(' ');
disp('For other experiments, please check fdct_wrapping_demo_denoise_enhanced.');
disp(' ')

第1个回答  2015-04-27
curvelet 曲波变换 加噪 去噪
第2个回答  2013-06-20
第3个回答  2012-04-25