

第1个回答  2020-05-06
"Today isSunday.Itissunny.Idon'tgotoschool.Iwant goshopping.Iget up at6:30in themorning.Ihave some cereal and an egg forbreakfast.Igo out at8:00.Theshop isnear.Igo there onfoot.Manypeople are in theshop.Ibuy apencil.At12:00I go home for lunch.I have some vegetable and meat forlunch.Iread a book in theafternoon.Ieat some noodles and fruit forsupper.Aftersupper,I do myhomework.thenI watchTV.Later,I play on thecomputer.Ilie on mybed.Ilisten to theradio.Whatis a happy day!
