
本人服装业新手,做服装外贸不到一个月,请大家帮忙,请问罩杯的杯垫一般用什么材质做比较有弹性的呢?有个欧洲客人回邮件如下:As I referred earlier, the cup sized could be combined so that on swimwear cup size would fit several bust size. With combined cup sizes, the cup material should be somewhat stretchy, so firm moulded cups like on the photos you sent are not an option I believe. Do you have suggestions, how these combined cups could be made?

第1个回答  2013-11-05
你也是做文胸的吗?我也是刚做的; 杯垫好像一般用的棉的吧; 学习学习一下呵呵~~~