

积极乐观的心态十分重要,凡事向积极的一面想,有利于减轻日常生活和工作中的压力。 当我们心情不好或压力很大时,我们应该学会调节自己。例如听听音乐,散散步,坚持微笑,使我们缓解压力,保持快乐的心情。

第1个回答  2012-11-03
How to keep healthy
It is now increasingly rapid pace of life, increasing work pressure, at the same time, but the lack of movement, which makes the most of people into Zhoushen fatigue sub-health state; and the environmental pollution is deteriorating and unhealthy diet and chronic disease and frequent hidden danger. In short, people are facing health problems attributed to: eat more, less dynamic, think too much, too little sleep, it has become a modern one of the four major health problems typically.
How in the intense life work can still maintain good physical condition has become a modern one of the greatest health problems. In order to get people to health, must have the appropriate measures, active, actively to execute, and persevere, these measures are mainly:
( 1) the amount and a balanced diet
To achieve balanced nutrition, they need to pay attention to the daily diet, should pay attention to the reasonable diet of 6: 1 diversified food. 2, eat more vegetables, fruits and grains. 3 selected low fat, low cholesterol food. 4 eat less salt, sugar. 5 avoid alcohol. The reasonable diet on the health effects of long-term, balanced diet usually need to form a habit, and unremittingly, in order to fully reflect the diet on health promotion major role
( 2) the appropriate amount of exercise
Physical exercise to keep fit is the key factor. A good exercise program should include three kinds of physical activity: aerobic, anaerobic exercise and stretching exercises. Regular exercise helps the body extra energy consumption, improve heart and circulatory system, strengthening self exercise can increase the body 's resistance to disease.
( 3) adequate rest
Rest helps relax and regain their strength, to maintain good health is very important. Rest day, 6 to 8 hours, including at night and sleep during the day the spirit of relaxation. Regular sleep habits and relaxation will help regulate the body, promote digestion of food and waste excretion. At the same time, to ensure that the blood supply and nutrition, sleep will also help to keep a clear mind.
( 4) a positive attitude towards life
Positive and optimistic attitude is very important to the positive side of things, think, is advantageous to reduce daily stress in work and life. When we are not in a good mood or great stress, we should learn to adjust our. For example, listen to music, taking a walk, smile, make us relieve stress, maintain a happy mood.
In conclusion, we should have a healthy living consciousness, so that we can live and work in the actual action to keep healthy.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-28