

第1个回答  2013-07-07
Nowdays,surfing the Internet is very popular.Almost everyone has a computer in his or her home.More and more people take interest in computers.Using computer is very convenient,so we don' t need to wait in line to buy the things we like.And we can find much useful information on the Interest.But on the other hand,computers also have some disadvantages.We often can't see the things so we usually can't deside which one to buy.Also we can't enjoy the enjoyment of shopping with friends.In my opinion, computers have more advantages than disadvantages.翻译:如今,网上冲浪是很流行的。几乎每个人在他(或她)家里有一台电脑。越来越多的人对电脑感兴趣。使用电脑是很便利的,因此我们不需要排队去买我们喜欢的东西。通过互联网我们也可以查到很多有用的信息。但是在另一方面,电脑也有一些不足。我们经常不能看到商品,所以我们可能不能决定去买哪一样。我们也不能享受到和朋友一起购物的乐趣。在我看来,电脑的优点多于缺点。