i like 蛇的英语作文


第1个回答  2016-04-10
  The snake is a kind of long and thin animal,a slender body,limbs,incomplete,no degradation of animals,no film eyelid,no legs,no stand out potential,the body surface is covered with a layer of film.Part of toxic,but most non-toxic.Most of the snake,is half aquatic and terrestrial aquatic,distribution except Antarctica and New Zealand,Ireland,and outside of the island of all over the world,the snake's situation looks,or walk a straight line or winding,this is the structure of the snake of the decision.In addition,the snake can attack others,unless you against his body.If your foot on it,it will instinctively immediately bit back your feet,spray poison,let you down.The snake in the world at present there are about 3000 species,including 600 DuoZhong poisonous snakes.China has 216,65 kind of poisonous snakes,we also want to use a dialectical point of view to see the snake.He is both intelligent nimble side.And a ruthless toxic side.Land and water are like.I think it is a very individualizing animals.
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