

第1个回答  2024-05-28
1. Lu Xun, born on September 25, 1881, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China, was a renowned literary figure and thinker of the 20th century. His original name was Zhou Zhangshou, later changed to Zhou Shuren, and his pen name Yushan was later replaced with Yucai. It was under the pen name "Lu Xun" that he published "Diary of a Madman" in 1918, a pseudonym that became his most influential identity in literature.
2. Lu Xun was a pivotal figure in the May Fourth New Culture Movement and is considered one of the founders of modern Chinese literature. Mao Zedong once remarked that "Lu Xun's direction is the direction of the new culture of the Chinese nation."
3. Throughout his career, Lu Xun made significant contributions in various fields, including literary creation, criticism, ideological research, literary history, translation, introduction of art theory, basic science dissemination, and ancient book collation and research.
4. After the May Fourth Movement, Lu Xun greatly influenced the development of Chinese social ideology and culture. He achieved international recognition, particularly in Korea and Japan, where he held a significant and influential position in the ideological and cultural spheres. He is renowned as the "writer with the largest territory on the 20th-century East Asian cultural map."
Additional Information:
1. Lu Xun is a cultural giant of the 20th century whose influence extends across novels, prose, essays, woodcuts, modern poetry, traditional poetry, translation of classic works, collation of ancient texts, and modern learning.
2. As the great founder of modern Chinese literature, Lu Xun established a new form of Chinese novels with his few novel works, while his prose demonstrates the achievements of the literary revolution.
3. His essays, marked by modernity, freedom, criticism, and combativeness, became the most frequently used "critical weapons" for later writers. They also encompass a wide range of Chinese society, politics, history, law, religion, morality, philosophy, literature, art, and even cultural psychology, folk nature, folk feelings, and folklore. Almost all Chinese writers have developed different literary styles based on Lu Xun's foundation.
4. As a translator, Lu Xun translated numerous foreign literary and scientific works, contributing significantly to the enlightenment of the people and the introduction of advanced scientific and cultural thoughts.
5. As an art enthusiast, Lu Xun introduced a large number of Western woodcuts and printmaking works and supported young people in learning woodcutting in spirit, theory, and practice. His efforts greatly promoted the development of modern woodcut and printmaking in China, contributing to the art cause of modern China.