still slient calm 用法 区别


第1个回答  2022-07-06
1) calm 指天气、海洋的“风平浪静”,还可指人的心情“平静”、态度“安详”,“沉着镇定”;指自然“无风无浪的”.例如:
He remained calm.
After the storm the sea was calm again.
The sea was very calm.海面很平静.
The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm.医生尽力让那女孩平静下来.
That's a silent film.
Why do you keep silent.
You'd better be silent about what's happened.对已经发生的事,你最好保持沉默.
The children went out,and the room was silent.孩子们都出去了,房子变得寂静无声.
Please keep still while I take a photo of you.
How still(quiet)everything is!
All sounds are still.万籁俱寂.
The Swede stood quite still,except that his lips moved slightly.那个瑞典人纹丝不动地站着,只有嘴唇在微微动着.