

第1个回答  2022-10-09

陈述句: 陈述句:主语+ be (am, is, are) (not) + v-ing +其他。其中系动词be 随着人称、数的变化而变化

例如:He is playing football in the playground.

I am doing my homework in my room.

一般疑问句:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + v-ing …?其中系动词be 随着人称、数的变化而变化

Is she playing the piano? 她正在弹钢琴吗?

Are you doing your homework?你们正在做作业吗?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ be (am, is, are) +主语+ v.-ing…?其中系动词be 随着人称、数的变化而变化

例如:What is Jack doing?杰克正做什么事情?

What are they doing?他们正在做什么事情?

现在进行时可表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事情,常与时间状语now,at the moment,“Look!”,“Listen!”等连用或根据上下文语境判断。

例如: She is searching for information on the Internet now.

Look! Some children are drawing under the trees.

Mr. Green is writing a story now.
