

第1个回答  2023-01-08

how old are you,sisther

这些红色的短袜多少钱 How much are these red short socks?
玛丽的弟弟多大了How old is Mary's brother?
你的生日是什么时候?我的生日是12月12号 When is your birthday? My birthday is 12th of December
你姐姐的年龄多大了 How old is your sister?

你们学校有音乐节吗 Do you school have a Music festival?
你们什么时候举行英语演讲比赛 When will you have English Speech competition?
艺术节是什么时候 When will Art Festival be?
这些书是那些男孩的 These books belong to that boy.
我们学校有个庆祝日 Our school has a Celebration Day.
它们是汤姆和杰姆的电脑 These are Tom and Jack's computer
他买不起那台电脑 He can't afford to buy that computer
