
Write a letter in English according to the following information<1>2007年3月13日电子邮件报价深受我们欢迎《2》我拟选各种颜色,式样,品种的毛衣如下 :白色,加大号,2000打;蓝色,中号,3000打;黑色,小号,1000打《3》全部货物应于6月登轮,届时全额不可撤销信用证将予以开出。《4》如果贵公司能够及时供应时令货品,而且价格公道,我方将继续订货。《5》请确认订货,用电子邮件告知装运时间表。

第1个回答  2015-06-07
到ABC天卞英语去吧!可以从零基础学起 他们比较注重实际应用能力.好. 在那待过短时间,感觉还不错 我大学的时候去过那里学习,老师根据我情况给我制定学习计划,而且还会给我耐心解答问题!1.Look forward to your soon reply!.May I have your response todayts weekbefore ts Friday? Thank you very much for your great help!.Would you please kindly help to give me a reply soon? Thanks in advance!随变! 多说一句:不要催得太频繁,客人会烦的。反而把他得罪了。
第2个回答  2013-10-31
We are appreciate the price which you quoted to us on March 13 , 2007 by email , now , we estimate will order different color / style sweater as below : (1)White , large-size : 2000 dozen (2) Blue , middle -size : 3000 dozen (3) Black , small - size : 1000 dozen We will request the cargos on board before June and we will open the full amount irrepealable LC to you . And if you can help to ship the cargos on time and the price is reasonable , we will continue order from your side . Kindly confirm and advise the shipping schedule to us by email . Thanks and best regards, *****本回答被网友采纳