

第1个回答  2024-06-04
We have but one Earth, and the consequences of environmental pollution are profound. Here are some English essays of 120 words on protecting our planet that I've selected for you. I hope they provide valuable insights into how we can safeguard our environment.
**Essay 1:**
Earth is our sole habitat in the universe. If we do not protect it now, we will have no place to escape to when it's destroyed. Our actions have taken a toll on our planet.
We've emitted excessive exhaust gases, making the air unclean and unhealthy to breathe. Skies once azure are now rare in many cities.
We've exploited resources to the fullest, converting them into waste. This waste now occupies an ever-growing portion of our planet.
We've polluted our waters, causing suffering to marine life. Some species have already died out, and others are at risk of doing so.
We must all contribute to Earth's protection. Using public transport, opting for recycled products are just a few ways we can help secure a better future.
**Essay 2:**
Despite progress and development, Earth's resources are dwindling. To preserve them, immediate action is required.
Water conservation is vital—it's the source of life. We must protect drinking water and avoid polluting it, while also using it efficiently.
Electricity is crucial; we can't imagine life without it. We should all strive to save electricity by switching off lights and appliances when not in use.
Forests are essential, so we must stop deforestation and use recycled paper. Let's create a greener world to live in.
Recycling waste, such as cans, paper, and bottles, can save resources and help protect our planet.
**Essay 3:**
Humans have only one Earth, which nurtures life and is home to all of us.
However, environmental pollution and destruction pose real threats to social and economic development and normal life.
Caring for the environment and promoting civilization are human moral responsibilities.
We yearn for a clean Earth, a healthy homeland, and green, sustainable communities. Let's translate our love for the environment into actions and fulfill our role in protecting it.
Starting now, with small changes, and from every individual, we can make a difference.
Remember, protecting the Earth is protecting ourselves.
**Essay 4:**
Environmental issues are escalating globally. Industrial and agricultural growth, along with cars, create noise and toxic gases.
Hillsides are denuded, and rivers are polluted with waste water. Everywhere we turn, there's litter carelessly discarded.
Earth's ecological balance is altering. Environmental destruction has caused negative impacts and threatens us.
We must confront these issues and take action to solve our environmental problems.
New laws should regulate industrial pollution, and the public must be educated about pollution's hazards.
We hope these measures will be effective in restoring a healthy environment.
For more related content, check out these recommendations:
1. English essays on environmental protection (120 words)
2. Essays on environmental protection issues
3. Short essays on protecting the environment
4. World Environment Day essays in English
5. Essays on tree conservation in English