谁知道 2006年12月24日考的英语应用能力考试B级的正确答案?


第1个回答  2007-01-09
1)B )They are puzzled about Mary's low spirit.
2.A) go to an are exhibition.
3.C)Her parents lie great emphise on academic execellence.
4.C)it was filled with people all the time
5.D)a double blessing has decended upon tom
6.B)the examnation was well beyond the course content
7.C)it's part of his job
8.D) he usually understates his achievements
9.B) it's absurb
这是 B卷的答案,我确实不懂你的意思咯
10.A)arrange accomdation for her
B 部分答案(太长了我用短的理解就可以了)郁闷我修改的刚才居然掉线了全部白费 啊~~~~~~~~~还是重来
11D)setting up a special museume
12C)to promote interesting in American decroats art
13A)by theme or period
14A people may use one or two languages
15)B may not been underatood in another country
16)C it is uncertain English willbe.......
17)D blind people should learn live among sighted people
18)A by encouraging them ....
19)B modern technology
20)D apply the funderation for scholarship...(太长了我慢慢来哈今天先把答案全部整上)
21.A his son was not as thrilled as....
22.D even ie they are exposed to more entertainments
23.C ever-changing thrillings forms of recreation
24.B presicribing medications for the temporary relief
25.A adjusting the pace and intensity of simulation
26.C corprate loyalty
27.B maxmize their profit at the expense of workers
28.C a higher rate of unemployment
29.B making monetary contribution to the decesion-makers
30.D to urge the middle class......
31.C settle the dispute.....quickly
32.A interested businesses and individuals
33.D have to raise money to build up seprate labs
34.A human stem cells are used in the research
35.B he did not want to offended his opponoent
36.D tenants rent house over one year
37.B appropriate housing may not be readily avialiable
38.C tenants have done damage to the house
39.D to make it easier for STATE ASSEMBLY to pass the
40.A both bills are likely to be made state laws

41.A extinct 42.B retrieve 43.D scrutiny 44. C irritate 45B costumes 46.D lingered 47.A trails 48.D in abundance
49.C expired 50.B chronic 51.D commemorate 52.A toxic
53.B integral 54.C heritage 55.D enriched 56.C cater to
57.A migration 58.C conserving 59.D activated 60.A minimise
61.B gigantic 62.D simulation 63.C vulunterable
64.B prevalent 65.A ethnic 66.C prone 67. D bewildered
68.B addiction 69.C elite 70.A hypothesis
s1 在much和 the way间插入 to
s2 what 改成where
s3 which 改成that
s4 oringinal 改成oringin
s5 system 改成systems
s6 by 改成in
s7 it改成 them
s8 efficient改成 inefficient
s9 facilitates 改成facilitate
s10 possibly改成 possiable