

第1个回答  2023-01-21

  We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of

  today regarding the supply of black silk.As you

  perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy

  since last year. We are consequently fully

  committed at the moment and are unable to make

  you the offer as requested.We assure you, however,

  that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies

  become available. Should your customers requite

  other silks, please let us know.




  Thank you for your order no.458 for tin plate

  sheets which we received today.We regret that,

  owing to a shortage of stock, we are unable to

  fill your order.Moreover, our manufacturers

  cannot undertake to entertain your order for

  future delivery owing to the uncertain availability

  of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by

  telex once supply improves.In the meantime, please

  feel free to send us your specificenquiries for

  other types of metal sheets. You can assured of

  our best attention at all times.

  今天收到贵公司4 5 8号镀锡板的定单。因为存货短缺,未能供应贵公司所需货品,特此致歉。此外,制造商尚未确定原料供应量是否充足,所以不能接受其他定单。一旦供应情况改善,我们将电传通知贵公司。若贵公司需要其他金属薄板型号的资料,我们乐意随时效劳.