

第1个回答  2022-06-17
  随着全球化与多元 文化 的发展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广泛使用。我精心收集了初一水平的英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!
  Wake Up-Home-Monday


  All of a sudden my alarm clock went off, it is six o'clock in the morning.I Should wake up. but I am still sleepy.I know that I have to get up,or I will be late


  I need to wash my face. put dothes on.than go downstairs to eat breakfast.I wonder what is for breakfast today.I hope it is something delicious.


  After I finish eating.I will take bus number eight tO school.I have a test today. but I did not study.


  I hope I can pass it.My father will be angry if I get a bad grade.I better get up now.I think my mother is trying to wake me up.

  Basketball Court-Sports-Saturday

   篮球 场-体育-星期六

  My friend Jason called me this morning to play basketball.I was kind of tired,but I still went because I love to play basketball.


  By the way. did I teii you my favorite basketball player is MiChael Jordan?He is very cool and he s my idol That is Why I practice every day to be Just like him.

  顺便说一下,我有没有告诉过你,我最喜欢的篮球选手是Michael Jordan(梦可.乔登),他很酷且是我的偶像。这就是为什么我每天练习,希望将来能像他一样。

  If I can,I'll try out for NBA someday.Though it seems like a dream so far away,but dreams will eventually come true.


  Enough of talking. I have to go practice now.That is the only way for me to ever get closer to my dream.Just like people say,"practice makes perfect."I agree with that.

  不讲了(说够了),我现在必须去练习啦,对我而言,这是唯一能使我逐渐接近梦想的 方法 ,就如俗语(人们)所说:“熟能生巧”,我同意这样的说法。
  Finding a Job-Work-Wednesday


  My friend James Newton just lost his job last week.He has a family to support and bills to pay.His wife does not work because his son is only 18 months old.


  He really needs a job soon.It is already Wednesday;he only has three days left this week.He went to supermarkets,department stores,and banks,but he did not have much luck.


  He asked if I could find a job for him.He did not finish his college education so I do not know how I can help him.

  他问我是否能帮他找到一份工作。他没有完成他的大学 教育 ,所以我不知道如何才能帮他的忙。

  He has been my friend for so long.I will try my best to help him.I will call Mr.Armstrong or Mrs.Smith.Maybe they have a job for him.

  Fast Food-Talks-Thursday


  There are lots of different kinds of fast food places in the U.S.A.There are McDonald's,Burger king,Taco Bell,Jack in the Box,and more.

  在美国,有很多不同种类的快餐食物。有麦当劳,Burger King(汉堡王),Taco Bell和Jack in the Box(盒子里的杰克;吓人箱)等。

  In fact,my favorite is Jack in the Box,because the food there is cheaper than the others'.They also serve big burgers with a lot of cheese.

  事实上,我最喜欢的是Jack in the Box,因为那里的食物比其实家便宜。他们也有供应那种加了很多起司(乳酪)的大汉堡。

  Double Cheeseburger is my favorite,because it has double cheese and double beef.I usually go to Jack in the Box twice a week.

  双层的起司汉堡是我的最爱,因为它有双份的起司(乳酪)和双份的牛肉。我通常是每周会去Jack in the Box两次。

  When I am tired of cheeseburgers,I will swith to monster Tacos.That is also a really good choice.Because they have a wonderful menu and low prices,Jack in the Box is the best.

  当我吃腻了(厌烦的)起司汉堡时,我就会换成monster Tacos(大型炸玉米饼),那也是个好的选择。因为他们有很棒的菜单和低廉的价格,(所以)Jack in the Box是最棒的。