

第1个回答  2006-12-28
We did contact with the factory.The cost is $9.5 for each product.
We are not sure if the customer still intrested to continue doing that.It is also too high cost if pass to our factory directly.
第2个回答  2006-12-28
We have contacted the factory and the cost of the product is US$9.50 per piece. Please advise if you (the customer) are still interested in contiuning with us. The cost seems to be too high if we are to produce this product in our factory.
第3个回答  2006-12-28
We have contacted the factory, the cost is 9.5 Meijianchanpin at U.S.. customers do not know if they were still interested to do so, if we have nothing directly to do, the cost is too high!本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2006-12-28
We had contacted the factory, the cost of the product is $9.50 per piece.We are not sure of the customers were still interested in contiuning with us.The cost seems to high to produce the product in our factory.
第5个回答  2006-12-28
we already contacted the factory,the cost of the product is $9.50 per unit,we're not sure the customer will intertested to keep going or not,but we think if we produce it by ourself,the cost is too much.