

第1个回答  2014-03-05
67.部分用what 提问的句型: What size do you want? What will you do with the problem? What’s the population of China? What day is it today? What’s the date today? What’s the price of this one? 68.there be部分用法:1There is only a student taking notes now. There is no need to open the box. There are 20 trees to be planted. 2常有以下结构: there may/will/must/is going to/used to/…be. … 3there be中不可再出现have/has/had(有)的词。另一用法见45。 69.常见表否定的词或短语:no, not, hardly, few, little, neither, nor, nothing, nobody, none, nowhere等. 有些有时在某些句型中也相当于否定,如without, too…to… without anything, too tired to go any further 但前缀如dis--, un--, in--或后缀如--less,并不表否定。 70.常见后接动词原形的词或短语: why not / had better / please /would you please / let / make / 情态动词,等等。 【注意否定形式:had better/ would you please/ let直接加not + 动原;而please加don’t+动原】 71.常见后接动词ing的词或短语:finish /enjoy /practice /give up / end up /put off /consider /keep /feel like /prefer…to…/can’t help / be busy /be worth /take turns /miss(错过) /spend /have fun /介词等。 72.常见后接带to不定式的词或短语:want /hope /wish /allow /encourage /ask /tell /pretend /decide /plan/invite /urge/ advise/warn/ seem /in order (为了) /疑问词,等等。 另外,it作形式主语,后也常有带to不定式。 【否定:以上大多词 + not + to do sth】 73.被动语态(be +v.过去分词)用法:I did it. →It was done. 双宾:He told us a story.→We were told a story.→A story was told to us. She passed me a pen.→I was passed a pen.→A pen was passed to me. 情态动词:We can make a plan. →A plan can be made. 进行时态:Tom is writing a letter.→A letter is being written by Tom. 完成时态:I have finished the work. →The work has been finished. 74.名词或所属格作定语:1强调性别时a man doctor / two men doctors ; a woman teacher / six women teachers 被修饰词是单数时,性别也用单数;被修饰词是复数时,性别也用复数。 2a girl actor / four girl actors a boy player / two boy players a bus station / some bus stations 复数只变被修饰的词。 3a boys’ team / a gentlemen’s holiday / the Teachers’ Day / the Children’s Day “复数 + ’s ”作定语,译为“…的…” 4Father’s Day / Mother’s Day 此处“单数 + ’s ”作定语。 (附:and连接的名词所属格:Lucy’s and Ann’s fathers are workers. 分别是两个人的爸爸,所以应分别加“’s” Lucy and Ann’s father is very interesting. 两个人共有的爸爸,所以在两人后只加一个“’s”。) 75.win与beat区别:win后加物:I’m sure Jim will win the match. We won the first place in the sports meeting. 而beat后加的是人:I’m afraid they will beat us. I hope we can beat the boys’ team. (男子队,相当于人。) 76.it/that/one的部分用法:1it 指上文的某个事物,和上文是同一个。This book is very useful. I will take good care of it. it也可指上文所说的事:My son has lost himself in the computer games. I’m worried about it. 2that与上文所说是同一类,但不是同一个,常指不可数名词。The food in China is quite different from that in America. The weather of Hainan is better than that of Gansu. that也可指上文所说的事:A: I had an accident and broke my legs. B: I’m sorry to hear that. 3one 指代上文所说的某类可数名词单数,但不是同一个物。This sweater is too expensive, do you have another one?(也指毛衣,但不是上文那个) 77.at/by the end of, in the end 的区别: 1at the end of +时间点或地点,“在…的尽头,在…的末尾” They will have a sports meeting at the end of March. (加时间) He put some books at the end of the bed. (加地点) 2by the end of +时间点,“截止到…末” 若接过去的时间点,常用过去完成时:They had planted six thousand trees by the end of last month. 若接将来的时间,常用一般将来时:We shall finish the work by the end of next month. 3in the end “最后”,后不加of 短语:They wanted to find a place to rest in, in the end, they saw a village. 78.have gone to/have been to/have been in: 1have gone to+地点“已去了…(还未回来)”-I can’t find those children, where are they? -They have gone to the farm. (去了农场,不在这儿) 2have been to+地点“去过…(原来去过,现在已回)”句尾常接次数或多个地点或before,或句中常有ever, never等。 She has been to Qingdao three times. I have been to two big cities. Have you been to Dalian before? I have never/ever been to Dalian. I have never been there before. (此短语省略了to) 3have been in+地点,“已在…(多久了)”句尾常接for+时间段,或since +时间点/一般过去时的句子。 Peter has been in China for a long time. I’ve been here for 2 hours/since 2 hours ago. (此短语省略了in) 79.all/whole用法:all (of) the land / all (of) the class / all (of) the students…【all 在定冠词the 前】 the whole school / the whole country / the whole area…【whole 在定冠词the 后】 80.a bit / a little区别:都可作副词,后直接加形容词和副词。 I’m a bit / a little hungry. She feels a bit / a little tired. 也可作代词或形容词,后接名词时有所不同: I have only a little drink. She ate a little bread and went out. (a little 直接加名词) 而下文:I have only a bit of drink. She ate a bit of bread and went out. (a bit 先加of再加名词) 81.“擅长”与“不擅长”; “对…有利”与“对…有害”: “擅长”:be good at / do well in “不擅长”:be bad in / be poor in / be weak in / do badly in “对…有利”:be good for “对…有害”:be bad for 82. 表数量的词和短语的部分用法:1none / all / some / most / plenty of / a lot of (lots of) 后既可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。2many / (a) few / a number of / several只接可数名词复数。3much / (a) little / a bit of只接不可数名词。 83.易用错的副词:1really可修饰动词、副词和形容词,常在它们前面。I really love reading. I really miss you. (修饰动词) Tom speaks really quickly. 汤姆说得非常快。(修饰副词) It’s really kind of you. 你真好。 (修饰形容词) 2very much常修饰动词want, miss, hate, love, like, dislike, enjoy, take after(长得像…), move(使…感动), excite(使…激动)等等。常在句尾。Jack wants to go there very much. 杰克很想去那儿。 I hate reciting the words very much. 我很讨厌背单词。 He enjoyed the film very much. 他很喜欢这部电影。 He takes after his mother very much. 他长得很像他妈妈。 (very much 不可修饰形容词和副词:I’m happy very much. He is lucky very much.都是错误的。) 3very修饰形容词和副词,放在它们前面: She is very kind. I am very happy. Peter speaks very slowly. (very不可修饰动词:I very like English. He very misses you.等类似结构都是错误的。) 84.常用于现在完成时的词或短语:for(后加时间段,句中谓语用延续性动词);since(后加时间点或一般过去时的句子,主句谓语用延续性动词);How long(对时间段或for与since引导的内容提问,句中谓语也用延续性动词)in/all one’s life(在某人一生);in/during the past/last+时间段 (在最近的…时间内) ;so far(到目前为止);yet(用于句尾,用在疑问句或否定句中);already (用于句中或句尾,用在肯定的陈述句中) ;ever;never;just;before(单独用在句子末尾,常用此时态。但若时间段加before, 常用过去完成时) 以及recently等. 85.形容词与副词区别:1形容词修饰名词,作定语(划线部分): She is a kind girl. What bad weather! I bought a new bike. 形容词可在系动词后,作表语(划线部分): The girl is kind. His face turned red. It tastes sweet. 2副词(划线部分)修饰动词、形容词、副词,也可修饰整个句子。 He ran quickly. Please speak loudly. Tim lives alone. 修饰动词 She is very angry. He felt too tired. I’m so lucky. 修饰形容词 He got up quite early. She did it very well. 修饰副词 Unluckily, I failed the English exam. 修饰整个句子 86.everyday与every day: everyday是形容词,后接名词,“日常的”。He is practicing everyday English. every day是副词,作时间状语,“每天”。We speak English every day. 87.everyone与every one: 1everyone“每个人;大家;所有人”,只指人。后不接of短语。Everyone is here except Tom. 2every one“每一个”既可指人,也可指物。后要接of短语。Every one of us has a dictionary. Every one of the trees is tall. 88.none与no one: 1no one“没有一人”只指人,后不接of短语。 No one has been to Beihai Park. No one told us about it. (以上因后面无of短语,故不用none) 2none“没有人;没有任何东西”既可指人,也可指物;既可指可数名词,也可指不可数名词。后常接of短语。 None of the children has/have been to Beihai Park. (此处指人。因后有of短语,故不用no one) 先要学习一下时态 ,然后是5中句式 QQ 850051427 空间里面有很多的 学习资料 。