

第1个回答  2016-06-05

Unit 1 Man and Nature
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Man in the Realm of Nature
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B Extinctions, Past and Present
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 2 Man and Technology
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Technology and Happiness
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B Who to Blame, Technology or the Person Who Uses It?
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 3 Knowledge and Knowledge Transfer
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A The Rainbow of Knowledge
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B Barriers to Knowledge Transfer
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 4 Work and Career
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Work, Labor, and Play
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B Choosing an Occupation or Career
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 5 Fame and Success
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Fame
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B The Right Kind of Success
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 6 Attitudes to Life
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Two Truths to Live By
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B Let Yourself Go!
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 7 Life Styles
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A Stripping Down to Bare Happiness
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B My Frugal Life
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
Unit 8 Literacy Appreciation
Get Started 课前热身
Listen and Respond 听力训练
Read and Explore 课文精读
Text A The Story of an Hour
文化链接 课文内容概要 篇章结构分析
词汇与短语 难句分析 课文译文
Text B One Thin Dime
文化链接 词汇与短语 难句分析
课文译文 练习答案与详解
Optional Classroom Activities 随堂活动
Enhance Your Language Awareness 提高语言能力
