
2 .迷失在自己的记忆里,拿起TOM的香烟,她困惑地坐在沙发上,一言不发。(非谓语,lose,pick up,light)

第1个回答  2014-02-09
1 student attempting to learn English well is facing enormous challenges within a year (attempt, face)
2 lost in his memory, picked up TOM's cigarettes, puzzled her sitting on a sofa, not to utter a single word. (non predicate, lose, pick up, light)
3 men were satisfactory and to one's heart's content and bridge, [their wives sit together chatting tea] (in the brackets with independent nominative adverbial)
第2个回答  2014-02-08
1. Those students who attempt to learn English well within a year are facing great difficulties.
2. Lost in her own memory, she picked up Tom's cigarette,and seated herself on the sofa confusedly,not saying anything.
3. The men were playing bridge with great satisfaction,their wives sitting together,chatting and drinking tea .
第3个回答  2014-02-09
1 student attempting to learn English well is facing enormous challenges within a year
2 .迷失在自己的记忆里,拿起TOM的香烟,她困惑地坐在沙发上,一言不发。
2 lost in his memory, picked up TOM's cigarettes, puzzled her sitting on a sofa, not to utter a single word.
3 men were satisfactory and to one's heart's content and bridge, their wives sit together chatting tea本回答被提问者和网友采纳