
Huangshan is in the Huangshan City located in the south of Anhui Province. Area is 1200 square kilometen.It reputed as “the No.1 Unusual (Strange) Mountain”. Heavenly Capital Peak (Tiandu Peak), Lotus Peak (Lianhua Peak), Brightest Summit (Guangming Summit) are three highest peaks of all. Each (All) of them is at least 1800 meters above sea level. Strange pines, absurd (strange) stones, sea of clouds and hot springs are called (known as) the "Four Unusual” in Huangshan. The most famous Huangshan Pines are “Welcome Pine” and “See off Pine”. Every year, many foreign tourists come here. First they fly to Shanghai, then they go to Huangshan City by train, end they come to Huangshan Scenic Spot by taxi.

第1个回答  2020-05-02
第2个回答  2007-01-01
黄山坐落于安徽省南部的黄山市,面积1200平方千米.被成为"天下第一奇峰",天都峰,莲花峰,光明顶被称为黄山三大高峰.每一座山峰海拔至少1800米.奇松,怪石,云海,温泉被称为"黄山四绝"黄山松中最著名的是"迎客松""送客松".每年,许多外国人到这儿.他们首先乘飞机到上海,接着乘火车到黄山市,最后打的到黄山风景点.关于第一个空我推荐用high peak 更好第二三四空用括弧里的吧第五个空由于be动词是is所以最好用each第六个用括弧里的第七个用括弧外边的如果实在想用括弧里边的话,语序需要调一下.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2007-01-01