

第1个回答  2013-09-24
  有的人一见“有”就毫不犹豫的将其译成“have”,甚至将“教室里有…”也译成“There have…in the classroom”,却没有想到去用“There be”句型。

  本文就“There be “出现的几个句型作一归纳,并对同学们常犯的典型错误作一分析。希望对大家有所帮助。

  “There be ……+地点状语”表示“某处有……”。其中There是引导词,总出现在句首,本身无意义be是不及物动词,有“存在”的意义;be后的名词作句子的主语

  一、“There be”句型中的be有各种时态形式。例如:

  1、There was no school in that village.那个村过去连所学校也没有。

  2、Now there are three teachers and forty-five students in the primary school.


  3、 On Sunday22,July there will be visits to different places.


  4、There have often been stolen cars in front of the museum since last month.


  二、在“There be”句型中,be还可以由come appear enter follow live lie stand go happen seem 等含存在意义的不及物动词替代。例如:

  1、There lived an old man in the mountain.有位老人住在那座山里。

  2、There stands a tall tree in front of the building.大楼前面有一棵大树。

  3、There happened to be a traffic accident at a crossroads.


  三、在“There be”句型中可使用情态动词表示推测或判断意义。例如:

  1、There must be something wrong with the machine, for it doesn’t run well.


  2、There used to be a river around the small village.




  (1)、我们学校 有一座图书馆和三幢教学楼。

  误:There are a library and three teaching buildings in our school.

  正:There is a library and three teaching buildings in our school.

  析:“There be”句型中有几个主语出现时,谓语动词通常与临近的主语保持人称和数的一致。


  误:There comes a group of people from behind the old temple.

  正:There come a group of people from the old temple.

  析:a group of people 在句中作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式。



  误:There are about ten people wait at the gate.

  正:There are about ten people waiting ay the gate.



  误:There is a lot of work need be done before the new machine come into use.

  正:There is a lot of work to be done before the new machine come into use.

  析:错句中的need be done纯属误译。若将need看成情态动词,则work与need be done不能搭配;若将need看成实意动词,则work与need be done也不能搭配。Work后面应该用不定式to be done作定语。

  (三)、构成“There be”句型的反意疑问句时发生错误。


  误:There is going to be a concert tonight, isn’t it?

  正:There is going to be a concert tonight, isn’t there?

  析:若陈述句部分是“There be”句型时,则附加问句的主语用there,不能用it。