
1 周末

周末安排 西山农场
原因 收橘子
所带东西 篮筐
时间 集合地 7:30 校门口
2 接待来访者
求见 找经理有事
预约 无
个人资料 李涛XY公司销售部经理
事由 紧急事务urgent business)
请等5分钟 好的
A:What's your plan?B:It's about...

第1个回答  2013-09-15
1 A:Hey, man,are you free in weekend?
B:Yes,I am.Do you have a plan?
A:Well,shall we go to Xishan Farm this weeend?
B:What shall we do at there?
A:We will go to pick hte oranges.
B:That sounds great.Where shall we meet?
A:At the school gate,time is seven thirty,don't forget it,bye!
2 A:Hello,sir.What can I do for you?
B:Hello.I want to meet the manager.
A:Do you have a appointment?
B:Sorry,I don't have.
A:What's your name,sir?
B:Li Tao.I'm the sales manager of XY Company.
A:Are you in a hurry?
B:Yes,I'm coming here for an urgent business.
A:All right,please wait five minutes.
B:OK.Thank you.追问

What shall we do at there是不是语法不大对


Sorry, 应该用What can we do in that farm?


提问的人说事由 不用Are you in a hurry? 的话可以换个问法吗


可用Do you have spare time?


还有Do you have a plan?回答对象说 Well. well应该没有肯定或者否定的回答的意思不能直接这么回答。用另个答案应该怎么回答


根据句意,可用Of course 或 Yes。

第2个回答  2013-09-15
A:What are you going to do this weekend?
B:I'm gong to XiShan farm.
A:Why are you going to there?
B:I'm going to gather in the oranges
A:What's time for it? And where will you gathering place?
B:It's half past seven ,and we gather at school gate.
receive visitors
A:I'm requested to find the manager have something.
B: Have you make an appointment ?
A:No,i haven't
B:Ok,please tell me who are you.
A:I'm a sales department manager in Lee Tao XY company
B:Why are you want to find our manager?
A:Because I have urgent business.

B:Please wait for five minutes.

西山农场可以翻译成 farm located in the West Mountain的吗


可以,不过西山农场应为West hill Mountain


西山农场不可能翻译成West hill Mountain hill 一般指小山丘,mountain 一般指大山脉他们都是山的意思

第3个回答  2013-09-15
A: what can I do for you?
B: could I meet your manager?
A: have you made an oppointment?
B: no. I'm here for a urgent business.

A: well, who're you gonna meet?
B: Lee Tao, Sales manager of XY Company
A: please wait a moment, I'll call him for you.
B: OK, thank you.追问

