

第1个回答  2022-11-18


1. I can’t pronounce some of the words. 有些单词我不会发音。

2. If you don’t know how to spell new words, look them up in the dictionary. 如果你不知道如何拼写新单词,查字典。

3. I know we get noisy sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other. 我知道我们有时会吵闹,但是我们互相学到的会很多。

4. Practice their hobbies as much as they want. 尽可能多地练习他们的爱好。

5. I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有一起练习英语的伙伴。

6. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.但有时这些爱好会妨碍学习。

7. Sometimes they have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other. 有时他们产生争执,并且决定不再互相说话。

8. We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 我们会因事变得兴奋起来,然后以说中文结束。

9. Let’s face our challenge instead. 相反,我们要面对问题。

10. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 那会是使老师和学生都高兴的一个好办法。

11. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.担心问题可能会影响我们在学校的表现。

12. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. 随着时间的消逝,可能会失去珍贵的友谊。

13. How do we deal with problems? 我们怎么处理我们的问题。

14. We would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying. 我们会感到更舒服而且对学习有利。

15. Have an opportunity to volunteer 有一个做志愿者的机会。

16. Have Friday afternoons off 周五下午放假。

17. Many students often complain about school. 许多学生经常抱怨学校。
