

第1个回答  2022-07-12



  1. 语言知识目标:

  1) 能掌握以下单词:decide, try, paragliding, feel like, bird, bicycle, building, trader, wonder, difference, top, wait, umbrella, wet, because of, below, enough, hungry

  2) 能掌握以下句型:

  ① Where did…?

  ② What did…?

  ③ How was…? / How were…?

  ④ Did she/he…?

  2. 情感态度价值观目标:



  1. 教学重点:

  1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。

  2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。


  2. 教学难点

  1. 听力训练

  2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。


  Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

  1. Daily greeting.

  2. Check the homework. Let some Ss report where did they go on vacation.

  3. Review the “复合不定代词”

  4. Review the “反身代词”

  5. Show a movie of paragliding.

  Ⅱ. Writing

  Work on 1a:

  1. Point to the six words. delicious, expensive, exciting, cheap, terrible, boring

  2. Read the words and let Ss read after the teacher.

  3. Point to the last picture and say: This is a cake. It’s delicious. Then do the same thing for all six pictures.

  4. Let Ss match each word with a picture. Then check the answers with the students.


  Work on 1b:

  1. Explain the meaning of “ J words” and “ L words.”

  2. Let Ss discuss the words they know and write them down on the line.

  3. Let some Ss read out their words to the class. (Or let some Ss write their words on the blackboards.)

  Ⅲ. Listening

  Work on 1c:

  1. T: Now let's work on 1c. First, let one student read the questions aloud. Make sure all the Ss know the meanings of the questions.

  2. Play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen.

  3. Then play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and answer the questions.

  4. Then play the recording for the third time for the Ss to check the answers.

  5. Ss listen to the tape and circle the words and phrases they hear.

  6. Check the answers: (Look at the big screen.)

  Work on 1d:

  1. Tell Ss this time they have to write down what Lisa said about her vacation, the people, the fun park, the food and the store.

  2. Then play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and write down the words.

  3. Then play the recording for the third time for the Ss to check the answers.



  Ⅳ. Pair work

  1. Tell Ss to ask and answer about Lisa’s vacation. Begin your questions with the following sentences. For example:

  Where did you go on vacation?

  I went to New York City.

  Did you go with anyone?

  Yes, I did.

  2. Ss work in pairs and ask and answer about Lisa’s vacations.

  3. Let some pairs come to the front and ask and answer in pairs.

  Ⅴ. Discussion

  1. Tell Ss to work in groups. Discuss the questions together.

  What do people usually do on vacation?

  What activities do you find enjoyable?

  2. Give Ss some possible answers:

  People usually go to some places of interest for vacation.

  I find fishing enjoyable.

  3. Ss discuss the two questions. Write down their answers. Let some group report their answers.

  VI. Reading

  Work on 2b:

  1. T: Now we’ll read Jane’s diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.

  Did Jane have a good time on Monday?

  What about on Tuesday?

  2. Ss read the diary quickly and find the answers to the questions.

  3. Check the answers with the Ss.

  Work on 2c:

  1. Let some Ss read Jane’s diary entries again. Fill in the chart.

  2. Let Ss look at the chart first. Then let them read and fill in the chart.

  3. Check the answers. (Look at the big screen.)

  Work on 2d:

  1. Tell Ss they should read the conversation about Jane’s trip to Penang again and use the information in the diary entries.

  2. Ss read the conversation about Jane’s trip to Penang first then try to fill in the blanks.

  3. 方法指导:首先,应读通读整个对话一遍,理解对话的大意;然后,认真阅读有空格的上下句的内容,结合日记的内容,确定空格处的内容。 最后,再通读一遍对话,综合日记的内容看每个空格处是否贴切。

  3. Ss read carefully and try to write down the words in the blanks.

  4. Check the answers with the class.

  Work on 2e:

  1. 告诉学生们这篇日记是Jane在七月十八日又一次参观了Penang Hill 后,所写的。读日记,并用括号中单词的正确形式填空。

  2. 方法指导:首先,再次明确这是一篇日记,因此应用一般过去时态;然后,通读一遍日记的内容,了解大体内容;最后,综合每句的内容,用括号中动词的正确的形式填空。

  3. Ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks.

  4. Check the answers. (Look at the big screen)

  5. 对动词一般过去时的规则形式与不规则形式,再复习一遍。



  1. My mother ______ (buy) a new schoolbag for me yesterday.

  2. When _____ you _____ (start) to learn English?

  3. My aunt ______ (take) us to dinner at a restaurant but the food _______ (is) not good at all.

  4. When I _______ (am) in America, I _______ (make) a lot of new friends.

  5. They _______ (have) a great sale last weekend.



  1. 语言知识目标:

  1) 复习询问或谈论假期去某地旅行的经历。

  2) 能够综合运动词的一般过去时形式,并能正确填空。

  3) 总结回顾动词过去式的规则变化不规则变化。

  2. 情感态度价值观目标:

  1) 学生了解我国不同地方的人们上学的方式,了解还有一些贫困地区的孩子们需要我们去帮助他们。



  1. 教学重点:

  1) 能综合运用所的重难点词汇来完成相关任务。


  2. 教学难点:



  Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

  1. Let Ss read the passage about Jane’s vacation to Malaysia. Then fill in the blanks.

  2. Check the answers.

  Ⅱ. Discussion

  1. Show some pictures of the some places of interest. Tell Ss the name of them.

  e.g. the Great Wall, Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square, a Beijing hutong…

  2. Let Ss discuss what they can do, eat, buy… in those places.

  Ⅲ. Writing

  1. Tell Ss they went to one of these places of interest last summer vacation. With the help of the words in the box, try to fill in the blanks of the diary.

  2. Let some Ss read the words in the box.

  3. Ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

  2. 阅读指导:

  首先,应阅读日记一遍,了解日记的大意。然后,细读每一句,根据上下文文意来确定每个空格处应填的词汇。比如:读第一行可知此处是填空记日记时的时间,空格后面有日期,因此空格处应填月份August。读第二句话,可知空格处应填写天气的词汇,故应选hot and sunny。其他类似。

  3. Ss read the passage then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

  4. Check the answers.

  Ⅳ. Practice

  Work on 3b:

  1. Let some Ss read the questions aloud to the Ss. Make sure they know the meaning of the questions.

  2. Let Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Write their answers on a piece of paper.

  3. Get some pairs read out their answers.

  4. Check the verbs forms.

  Work on 3c:

  1. Tell Ss to write a travel diary like Jane’s on Page 5. Use your notes in 3b.

  2. 写作指导:

  1. 本文为写日记, 因此应用一般过去时态。应注意动词的过去式形式。

  2. 回顾一下在3b中所回答的问题的情况,然后将这些句子按恰当的逻辑顺序排列在一起,形成条理清晰的一段文字。

  3. 可以根据旅行的经历再添加一些恰当的想象的句子。

  4. 再次,阅读一遍短文,看有没有错误的句子。

  3. Ss write their diary by themselves. Give any help they need.

  4. Let some Ss read their diary to the class.

  Ⅴ. Self check 1

  1. 让学生们看自己的笔记,复习相关复合不定代词的用法。

  2. Let Ss read the small conversation and choose the correct words in the box to fill in the blanks.

  3. Check the answers with the Ss.

  4. Explain any problem that Ss can’t understand.

  Ⅵ. Self check 2

  1. 让学生们看自己的笔记,复习相关动词过去式的规则变化及不规则变化。

  2. Ss read the passage and fill in the blanks.

  3. Let some Ss write their answers on the blackboard.

  4. Check answers with the Ss.

  5. Explain any problem that Ss can’t understand.

  Ⅶ. Group work

  1. Tell Ss what they should in this activity. Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China. You meet each other at the airport on your way home. Talk about what you did on your vacation.

  2. Ss work in groups of four and ask and answer about their vacations in China.

  3. Let some pairs act out their conversations in front of the class.


  1. Review Section B.

  2. 阅读Self check 2 的短文,并强化记忆所列举动词的一般过去式形式。

  3. 总结全单元出现的不规则变化的动词的一般过去式,并努力记住他们。






  1. 掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation

  2. 掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:Ihave to ...






  礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation










  二、教学目标: (Teaching aims)

  1、Knowledge Objects

  a. Key vocabulary ____ bank, market, supermarket, pool, swimming pool,

  square, structures, left, right, opposite, chairman,

  between, turn, corner, along

  b. Key structures ____ How do I get to…?

  Can you tell me the way to….?

  Go straight ahead.

  Go along…../Go across….

  Turn left into….

  It’s opposite…/on the corner of…/


  2.Ability Objects

  To understand the conversation of giving directions

  To understand the sentences telling positions

  To learn how to give directions

  3.Moral Objects

  Students can help the others.


  四、教材分析: 本单元是在通过日常的问候和交谈后,自然引出在




  (2)开展多种类型的任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的时间和空间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作以及为完成任务进行探究性学习。 (3)听说法:借用大量的听力材料训练学生的听力能力;通过创设形式多样的活动情景,培养学生的口语表达能力。


  通过学生的观察和生活实际,让他们在电教设备的帮助下,在模拟现实的环境中,运用合作交流、互相探究等多种学习方法,促进同学互相帮助,为学生创建助人为乐、积极向上的和谐氛围。 六、教学准备:

  制作本课多媒体课件 七、教学思路:

  由学生已知的知识引入到新的知识,由学生描述熟悉的线路来激发学生的学习兴趣. 八、教学流程:


  本节课在多媒体的辅助下,直观生动地呈现给学生学习语言的需要图片,为学生搭建了一个很大的语言练习平台,在导入环节中,通过图片,使学生轻松愉快学习有关地点的词汇,学生积极参与对话练习。在课堂中教师设计了一个轻松愉快的接近生活的语言环境,充分体现了学生开口说英语的欲望。利用师生互动 、生生互动形式,调动学生学习积极性,轻松愉快地学习知识,达到了教学目的。
