求翻译 一篇剧场入场须知的翻译

1 观众一律凭票入场,一人一票,对号入座
2 入场观众需整洁着装
3 演出开场前,请关闭手机或将其调整为无声状态,接听电话时请自觉走出观演厅
6 饮料、食品(含香口胶等)谢绝带入剧场内食用,已经带入者,应主动交由工作人员妥善保管;
7 为了您的安全,请勿随便触摸电源插座,请勿追跑打闹、以免造成不必要的伤害;
8 未经允许,禁止接触消防警报设备,一旦造成警报系统失灵,将追究当事人的责任;
9 观众厅内严禁吸烟;
12 演出期间严禁拍照,如需合影留念请在演出结束后与工作人员联系

第1个回答  2010-05-27
Notice of Theatrical
Dear viewers Hello everybody, welcome to watch xx City Convention Center grand dance performance "xxxx", in order to create a good environment for hope in Performance attention to the following points:
An audience Admission by one vote, the condemnation
2 spectators need to clean clothing
3 show opening, please turn off the phone or to adjust the silent state, answer the phone when you consciously out of the room in Performance
4 show opening, the prohibition of walk around and loud noises, so as not to interfere with others;
5 prohibited carrying flammable, explosive, chemicals, controlled knives and pets into the theater
6 drinks, food (including chewing gum, etc.) declined within the food into the theater has been brought, shall take the initiative by the staff take good care of;
7 For your safety, do not casually touch the power outlet, do not run slapstick chase in order to avoid unnecessary harm;
8 Unauthorized access to fire alarm equipment, alarm system failure once the cause, will hold the responsibility of the parties;
9 audience hall smoking;
10 Please keep the cleanliness of the theater, conscientiously abide by the order
11 Please consciously maintain the theater of public facilities, such as damage to public property be compensated.
12 non-camera during the show, For pictures taken at the show after the contact with staff
Thank you for your support of our work, I wish you a happy ~ in Performance本回答被提问者采纳