we live here we are very happy

1.He runs ( ).(slow)
2.How ( ) we live here!We are ( ).(happy)
3.He sings very ( ).He is a ( ) singer.(good)
4.The rain is ( ) today.It rained ( ) yesterday,yoo.(heavy)
5.You eat very ( ).You are a ( )man.(quick)
6.You dance very ( ).You are ( ) at English.(bad)
7.We came very ( ).(early)
8.The ( ) rock music made bored.They danced ( ).(noise)
9.She is ( ) with his son.He speaks to her ( ).(angry)

第1个回答  2019-12-01
1.slowly run是动词,修饰动词应用跟副词,所以用slow的副词slowly
2.happyly;happy 修饰live(动词)用副词;are后面跟形容词
3.well;good 修饰sing(动词)用副词,修饰singer(名词)用形容词
4.heavy;heavily 修饰rain(名词)用形容词,修饰rained(动词rain的过去式)用副词
5.quickly 修饰eat(动词)用副词,修饰man(名词)用形容词
6.bad;bad bad既能做形容词又能做副词,这里第一个bad做副词,表示不好的意思,第二个bad做形容词;bad另有一个副词形式是badly,表示程度——事态严重等意思
7.early 修饰came(动词come的过去式)用副词,early既能做形容词又能做副词
8.noisy;noisily 修饰music(名词)用形容词,修饰dance用副词
9.angry;angrily be动词(am;is;are)后面用形容词,修饰speak用副词