高人请帮我翻译这段话 谢谢啦 不要直接把网上那种生硬的在线翻译结果直接复制过来,尽量通顺些。

When we come to Othello we find ourselves dealing with characters whose tragic fate derives clearly enough from their own deliberate choices, not from any pressure in their envitonment. Othello and Desdemona, whatever their difference in age, are alike in their calm and clear-eyed acceptance of themselves as responsible moral agents.
Desdemona is aware of the extraordinary figure she must be cutting in ehis scene and of the misinterpretation that will naturally attach to what she has done, bue she is neither strident in self-justification nor hesitant and tentative. If her choice probes tragic this is not because of any weakness in the capacity to choose. Othello is indeed a tragic choice, but he is not a wrong choice, for he totally fulfils the deepest inpulses in her entirely admirable nature. Desdemona chooses the best of men, but even the best of men, the play insists, is subjuct to corruption. Cassius's words to Brutus in Fulius Caesar:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
have a resonance for Shakespearian tragedy larger than the particular case of Brutus would indicate. Cassius seeks to 'whet' Brutus to political action against the dominance of Caesar. But Othello is probably Shakespeare's least political tragedy. Othello is an underling not because he fails to be a 'master of his fate' but because he is human. Faced by the intensitu of total commitment, absolute love, men must be underlings because they are not gods, because they are vulnerable, they mistake, rage, fall down, become comic grotesques, as Othello does when he tries to listen in on Cassio and Iago talking about Biana. Under such circumstances love for the best of men can be no more than a commitment to the fallible. However heroic the commitment, however true the perception of an ineffaceable goodness, the rot cannot be stopped nor the wrong step redirected. For the quality of faith in another, which is the highest expression of love, is necessarily tragic when the faith is fastened to a frail and changeable object, alias a human being.
我是刚刚注册的只有20分~~~帮帮忙吧 呵呵

第1个回答  2010-05-09
第2个回答  2010-05-09


第3个回答  2010-05-09
我靠 这么多你欺负人那 还不让去网上翻译 才给20分。。。