opening speech(外语节英语开幕词)


第1个回答  2022-11-17
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Gao Feng. I'm studying Germanistik in the Germany department. Next year, I will graduate. I'm very glad to stand here to make friends with all of you and share my experience with you. Today, my topic is the university life.

I can remember the first meeting of my university life very clearly. It is 3 years ago. All of us were new here and curious about the next four years' life in the university. At that meeting, one of the teachers in our department asked us a question, that is, what do you think about the university life? And I was the first person who standed up and gave her the brief answer. I said:" I think the university life should be very colorful. Youu can take part in varieties of the students' activities. And you can also make a lot friends here."

So now I have lived in Beiwai for more than three years. What is exactly my univerisity's life like?

Terrific and colorful!

I have worked as both team member and team leader for different departments in the students' union. I wrote reports for the magazine. I worked as the head of the anisation department of the students' union, and worked as vice president for the career development association, and I have anised many acitivities, i.g. the culture festival, the speech contest, the exhibition of the germany movies e And I have also worked as voluteer for different forums and seminars, i.g the 2005 Global Fortune Forum, the Seminar of the Cooperation on the High Education beeen China and EU, e

In the past year, I have taken a practice job in a pany. And I worked as the business manager. I was mainly responsible for the sales work. I municated with the customers from different enterprises. And I achieved my goals. With my great efforts, I have extablished contacts with more than 100 enterprises, i.g Haier, Lenovo, Huawei,e During the peiord of time, I have attended the CSAF, and worked for the Chinese Government in Chile for a month. And the overseas experience has really taucht me a lot.

Now, I am a senior student. And I will find a job. I will try my best to find a suitable job to begin the first step of my career.

I'm really very happy to share my experience with you. I hope all of you can enjoy the univerisity life and have a gloriois future.

Alles Gute und viel Glueck! Thank you!