急!!外国人来访中国接机服务 英文

通常的来说来访中国外国客人,我们事先为他们准备好中文的酒店地图路线.以保证让他能正确的通知Taxi司机怎样到达酒店,如果客人有特殊要求安排接机,我们会统一安排hotel pick up。

第1个回答  2010-03-18
Normaly,we will prepare the chinese map of the hotel for the foreign guests before hand,to guarantee he cound inform the taxi driver the right way to hotel.Provided some guests need service of airport picking-up,then we wil make the arrangements correspondingly .
第2个回答  2010-03-18
generally we will prepare a map in chinese for foreign guests so that they can show the taxi driver the correct information about how to get to the hotel. if the guests require that we meet them at the airport,we will arrange for a hotel pick up for them.
第3个回答  2010-03-18
Normally we will prepare for the foreign guests to China the road map to the hotel in Chinese to make sure they can inform the taxi drivers how to get to the hotel correctly. If the guests have special requests for airport pickup, we can make the arrangements accordingly.
第4个回答  2010-03-18
Usually we will prepare a line map in Chinese for foreign guests in advance in order to let the taxi driver know the right way to reach hotel. If the guests make special requirement on the hotel pick up service, we will make corresponding arrangement.