

第1个回答  2010-03-13
文学方向的比较好写,教学法最好写,不过能学到东西麽?我这儿有些:语用预设在喜剧小品中的应用 The Application of Pragmatic Presupposition in Comic Sketches
论旅游广告的人际功能 On Interpersonal Functions of Tourism Advertisements
英语借词研究 A Survey of Loan Words in English
科技英语的词汇及句法特征 Lexical and Syntactic Features of English for Science and Technology
黑人英语的词汇及句法特征 Lexical and Syntactic Features of Black English Vernacular
通俗科技语篇中的名物化研究 A Study on Nominalization in Popular Science Discourses
主位及述位研究的进展及展望 The Progress of and Outlook for Theme and Rheme Research
英语衔接机制研究 A Study of English Cohesive Devices
委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用 The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication
非言语交际中的身势语 Body Language in Nonverbal Communication
论隐喻的衔接功能 On the Cohesive Functions of Metaphor
《玻璃动物园》中阿曼达形象分析 《玻璃动物园》中阿曼达形象分析
《欲望号街车》的主题探析 A Thematic Exploration of A Streetcar Named Desire
迷失的自我:《小镇畸人》中的女性人物分析 Lost Selves: An Analysis of the Female Characters in Winesburg Ohio
天堂梦醒:论《无名的裘德》中哈代的爱情婚姻观 No Dream in Heaven: A Study on Hardy’s View on Love and Marriage in Jude the Obscure
“献给艾米丽一朵玫瑰花”中艾米丽形象分析 An Analysis of the Image of Emily in “A Rose for Emily"
海明威"白象似的群山"的象征主义 Symbolism in Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”
论《拍卖第49匹》的追寻主题 On the Theme of Quest in The Crying of Lot 49
论《名利场》中的叙事艺术 On the Narrative Arts in Vanity Fair
《珍妮姑娘》中的道德观分析 An Analysis of the Morality in Jennie Gerhardt
浅析《蝇王》中的宗教思想 On the Religious Thoughts in Lord of the Flies
鬼怪、解构、历史:《宠儿》的后现代主义分析 Ghost, Deconstruction, and History: A Postmodern Analysis of Beloved
典籍英译中的“归化”与“异化” Domestication and Foreignization in English Translation of Chinese Classics
典籍翻译中译者的职责 Translator's Task in Chinese Classics Translation
英语名词化结构在汉英法律翻译中的应用 On the Application of English Nominalization in Legal C-E Translation
论汉英旅游资料翻译中的省译 On "Omission” in C-E Tourist Material Translation
恭维言语行为之文化对比分析 The Comparison of Compliment in Cross-cultural Communication
ANTITHESES 的分类与汉译 The Classification and Chinese Translation of ANTITHESES
浅谈对偶 A Brief Account on ANTITHESES
跨文化交际中的语用失误研究 A Study of Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication
尊重,交流与沟通——多元文化语境下的翻译 Respect, Exchange and Communication: On Translation in Multi-Cultural Contexts
英语幽默的语言特点及语用分析 On Language Features and Pragmatic Analysis of English Humor
隐喻意识与英语词汇学习 Metaphor Awareness and English Vocabulary Learning
网络环境中的英语教学模式研究 Research on the Patterns of English Teaching in Internet  Environment
网络语言的特征 The Characteristics of the Internet Language
合作学习在初中英语阅读教学中运用 The Application of Cooperative Learning  in Junior High School English Reading  Teaching   
关联理论在英语听力教学中的应用 The Application of Relevance Theory in English Listening Teaching
高中生英语学习动机研究 A Study on English Learning Motivation among Senior High School Students
英汉完成体对比 A Comparison of Perfective Aspect in English and Chinese
影响英语阅读理解的因素及其对策 A Study of Factors Affecting English Reading and the Corresponding Strategies
游戏在中学英语教学中的应用 Application of Games in English Teaching in Middle School
跨文化语境下的英语教学 English Language Teaching in Cross-cultural Contexts本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-03-13
第3个回答  2010-03-14