

第1个回答  2016-08-28
When I was small, I do not know how I became fascinated with the piano. Because I insist, you eventually bought it. From then on, every day I practiced for 1 hours. You worry about me practicing boring, then take a little time out to accompany me to practice. The first open because you don't know the piano spectrum. So, every time I go to class all listen to 'learn. Every time either expose to wind and rain to accompany me to class. In the course of time, you learn even faster than me! So, in the free time, you become small family teacher, guide me. When I play, you are also quietly listening. Sure enough, nothing is impossible to a willing heart. A semester later, when I returned to the classroom in class. The teacher praised me and said: "how big your progress!"
Now in retrospect, your hard work are not in vain, I have achieved excellent results in the piano this road. Therefore, I want to say to you: "I love you!"本回答被网友采纳