

如今的大学生面临许多来自父母的期望值、学习、经济、就业以及各种竞争的压力。尽管压力在一定程度上,可以成为动力,但是过重的压力,会带来严重的负面影响。作文地带提供中文翻译。压力可以打击一个学生的自信。更为严重者,压力可以让一些学生无法控制他们的情绪和行为。 Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn how to relieve pressure. First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves, so it's to make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages. Second, we should set a clear aim of struggle. The aim can give us motivation and make us become active. Third, attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure. Finally, if you find pressure is nearly beyond your control, you’d better turn to professional psychological guidance. 考虑到过度的压力所带来的严重损害,