

第1个回答  2014-11-22
My gloves are made of black and gray composed of, only the grey either square, some rectangular, there's like wheat, looks very make a person enchanted unceasingly, I putit in my hand, soft, good comfortable ah, then bring the feel of it is needless to say, I take a hand, a breeze feeling, then slowly warming, wow! The warmth of a good ah!Ah! I like my new gloves!

我的手套是由黑色和灰色组成的,只见灰色有的是正方形,有的是长方形,还有的像麦粒,看上去十分让人心动不已,我把它拿在手里,软绵绵的,好舒服呀,那么,带上它的感觉就更不用说了,我拿上一只带到手上,一阵轻风的感觉,然后慢慢变暖,哇! 好温暖啊!啊!我好喜欢我的新手套!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-11-22
my gloves