How can we deal with the climate change through using sustainable practices


第1个回答  2022-07-17
How can we deal with the climate change through using sustainable practices

1. Introduction

In recent years, global climate change has become a problem that cannot be ignored. It does great harm to different aspects of the world's ecology. Large amounts of countries in the world are committed to the study of climate change and the environmental sustainability. According to the series reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC), the global surface air temperature has increased by 0.4 ℃ ~ 0.8 ℃ in the past 100 years. And according to different climate scenarios, it is estimated that the global average temperature will rise by 1.4 ℃ ~ 5.8 ℃ in the next 100 years (The IPCC fourth assessment report, 2007). It can be seen that climate change has existed for a long time and will continue for a long time in the future. At the same time, sustainable development is also a very popular word in recent years. It is reflected in many different aspects, such as ecology, environment, resources and society. Climate change does not seem to be directly related to sustainable development. However, with the deepening of cognition, a consensus is being formed and recognize: climate change and sustainable development are inseparable, we need to find the way to mitigate climate change within the framework of sustainable development. This problem is not only related to the people who are already in the social environment, but also to the newer generation who will step into the society in the near future.

2. Current situation

There are many forms of global climate change, which mainly including such aspects: global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain and frequent occurrence of extreme climate. These problems have a lot of negative effects on nature, biology and human society. 

The sea-level rise caused by the melting of the iceberg will directly threaten the human settlements. Some coastal areas and low elevation areas will be engulfed by sea water. The rise of the sea-level will also cause the destruction of biological habitat and leading to species extinction, increasing frequency of meteorological disasters such as floods and droughts in the world. Food production will reduce due to acid rain. While the depletion of the ozone layer will cause a large amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun to the ground. The enhancement of ultraviolet radiation will cause extremely adverse consequences to human beings and their living environment. There is also an increased risk of skin cancer in humans.

Climate warming is likely to increase the risk and mortality of diseases and infectious diseases. High temperature will increase the burden on human circulatory system, and heat wave will increase mortality. Malaria and other infectious diseases such as schistosomiasis transmitted by insects are closely related to temperature. In high latitudes, the risk of transmission of these diseases may be greater. (China Rehabilitation Research Center, Climate change and human health, Baidu)

Change of extreme climate events in China: in the past 50 years, the frequency of agricultural meteorological disasters, such as extreme high temperature and heat damage, subtropical extreme low temperature and freezing injury, flood disaster and extreme drought, has increased significantly. The frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate disasters has increased the inter annual fluctuation of agricultural production. In terms of regional change, the frequency of high temperature and heat damage in summer increased significantly in other regions except the central place of China, while the number of cold days in winter decreased significantly. The flood disasters caused by heavy rainfall events showed great spatial heterogeneity. These extreme events increased in the northwest and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, but were relatively less in the northeast and the northwest of the Yangtze River Basin. (Zhang, X. 2019, What are the main manifestations of climate change in China, Baidu Knows)

3. Why we need to use sustainable practices to deal with climate crisis (The connection between climate change and sustainable development)

The third assessment report of the IPCC show that “sustainable development is described as meeting ten major challenges, including clean air, transportation, clean water, housing, food, employment, energy, land use, waste treatment, health and so on.”(IPCC, 2003) We can see that these major challenges are all directly connected with the climate change. Firstly, Climate change affects the natural ecological environment and has a direct impact on food production, land use, water resources and human health. Secondly, the extent of climate change has been reinforced by some factors. For example, transportation, energy consumption will emit a lot of greenhouse gases. These factors are not only challenges to the sustainable development of social economy and environment, but also important determinants of climate change. Thirdly, actively addressing climate change meets the requirements of sustainable development. From a social point of view, addressing climate change helps to protect the interests of future generations. From the perspective of sustainable utilization of resources, mitigation of climate change can improve the efficiency of resource utilization.

climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also a development issue. In today's world, many climate problems are essentially caused by the lack of national development. For example, the uncontrolled conservation and emission of industrial waste gas containing greenhouse gases and acid rain. Energy saving and emission reduction are not in place. Many countries only pursue economic development, thus ignoring the concept of sustainable development.

Many climate change problems are mainly caused by the excessive emission of greenhouse gases. For example, excessive emission of carbon dioxide will cause the greenhouse effect, and sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide will aggravate the formation of acid rain. The cars we ride in every day emit a lot of carbon dioxide. Most of the plastic bags and bottles we use are non-degradable. When they are burned, they will release a lot of harmful gases, which will cause climate problems. This requires all the people, no matter the adults in the society, or the newer generation who would step into the society in the near future establish the concept of sustainable development and make rational use of these resources to deal with climate change.

4. Solutions to deal with climate change through using sustainable practices

For the problems mentioned above, there are some specific solutions. When considered from the perspective of newer generation who will step into the society in the near future. We should make them have the consciousness of dealing with the climate change and let them understand that each of them is a participant and a solver of this problem first. Just like Freud believed that humans are influenced by three levels of consciousness. The first is the preconscious from which we inherit the ability to feel things instinctively. The second level is the conscious, which we can access both of these levels of consciousness on our own. The third level is the unconscious, which is not readily accessible to us. (Smith, Rhetoric and human consciousness, P250) Although we can’t directly decide the preconscious and the unconscious, we could make full of the second level conscious. For this purpose, schools, neighborhoods or the cities could carry out some public lectures and activities about the topic to convey such consciousness to young people. The given of speeches and activities also require some skills. Just as Whately developed a new way to look at openings of speeches to attract audience. She used the “introduction inquisitive” to explain to the audience why the following speech is particular interest, significance and curiosity to them. (Smith, Rhetoric and human consciousness, P260) For example, she might begin a speech with, “I am here to discuss the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica.” She may explain to the audience why do they think the problem is relevant to you. And arouse their same emotions. When give a speech to the younger generation. People could closely connect the research issues with the audience itself. Let them feel deeply that they are not bystanders on this issue, but participants. Of course, it is same to the older generations.

The cultivation of the consciousness to deal with the climate change and to response to the sustainable development needs to start with education. Older generations should reinforce such consciousness to the younger generations. So that young people are nurtured by this awareness from an early age. This is the longer-term solution to deal with this problem. 

In the upper part, we can see that sustainable development has a connection with climate change. Both younger generations and older generations should take some measures to deal with them. First and foremost, all the people could do sustainable practices in the details of life. For example, the proper disposal of recycling waste such as empty bottles and paper. Try not to use disposable items, such as disposable water cups and lunch boxes. Choose low carbon travel like bike and bus. Secondly, it requires young people to have expectations for the future of sustainable development, make an understanding and show interest in it. Besides, order generations should help to arouse their interest and the willingness to participate in relevant work. Such as the research work of sustainable development, the research and development of green new energy, the organization or participation in the campaign calling for sustainable development. Last but not least. This requires all the people not only consider their own interests, but also consider the community with a shared future for mankind. Climate issues and the needs of sustainable development are human problems, not only the adults in the society but also the newer generations who haven’t stepped into the society should shoulder the responsibility.


China Rehabilitation Research Center, Climate change and human health, Baidu, Retrieved from

Smith, Craig R. Rhetoric and Human Consciousness: A History. 5th ed. Long Grove: Waveland Press, 2017. Print. 

The IPCC fourth assessment report, 2007, Baidu Scholar, Retrieved from

Zhang, X. 2019, What are the main manifestations of climate change in China, Baidu Knows