
英语课要求每人做一个小型演讲,我打算介绍paul mccartney,但因为没经验不知道如何开场还有结束,请高人指导!大概五分钟,最好附上介绍他的提纲,谢谢!!

第1个回答  2009-09-20
Good morning/afternonn,everyone!today,im talking about XXXX,或者today,my presentation is (about)XXXX、、
(McCartney,这是什么?),然后你围绕“Paul McCartney”再多加1、2句,随便什么,(不是我不帮你加,而是我不知道 你单词的意思,以及演讲什么方面的)

结尾:thank you for your listening ,i hope you can learn something from my oral presentation,thank you!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-09-24
Your heart is much stronger than heroes. Meanwhile, heroes help to strengthen your heart. So everyone is a super hero for himself, you can beat everyone and of course your hero in your heart to improve yourself step by step