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Harvey Cantor is an American immunologist known forhis studies of the development and immunological function of T lymphocytes.Cantor is currently the Baruj Benacerraf Professor of Microbiology &Immunobiology at the Harvard Medical School and Chair of the Department ofCancer Immunology & AIDS at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston,Massachusetts.
Cantor’s early studies focused on the development and functionof lymphocytes derived from the thymus (T-lymphocytes or T cells). Inparticular, his research addressed whether the multiple immunological functionsof T cells were invested in a single lineage or represented the specializedactivities of distinct T cell subsets. This approach depended on the use ofantibodies to cell surface glycoproteins or “markers” that might identifyspecialized subsets of lymphocytes with particular immunologic functions. Thisexperimental approach was also used to investigate other lymphocytepopulations, including “natural killer” cells. His laboratory continues toinvestigate the molecular and cellular elements that regulate the immuneresponse and maintain self-tolerance.
Cantor received an A.B. from Columbia University andM.D. from New York University School of Medicine.
Cantor was elected to the National Academy of Sciences(2002), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005) and theAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences (2010).

第1个回答  2014-10-21
哈维·康托尔是美国免疫学家知道他执导的研究开发和T淋巴细胞的免疫功能。康托尔是目前Baruj Benacerraf哈佛医学院的微生物免疫生物学教授和系主任ofCancer免疫学和艾滋病在波士顿丹娜-法伯癌症研究所,马萨诸塞州。
康托尔收到了从哥伦比亚大学andM.D A.B.。从纽约大学医学院。
第2个回答  推荐于2016-06-19
Harvey Cantor (哈维 肯特)是一名来自美国的免疫学家,因其在T型淋巴球细胞的生成和免疫功能上的研究工作而为出名,肯特最近被任命为哈弗医学院的微生物学和免疫学方面的Baruj Benacerraf学者,以及麻省Dana-Farber癌症研究所癌症免疫及艾滋病研究部的主任。